53 million euros from Bavaria's Hightech Agenda
TUM Center for QuantumEngineering dedicated

Bavarian Minister of Science Markus Blume said: "This is yet another milestone for Bavaria on its way to becoming a quantum revolution hotspot: The TUM Center for Quantum Engineering moves the theoretical world of quantum sciences into concrete practical application. This is the art of engineering in the quantum field 'Made in Bavaria'!"
TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann commented: "Quantum technologies constitute one of the most important future topics for research and industry. The ZQE will be a central component in the scientific-technical Munich quantum ecosystem. I'm very eager to see the first research results and I'd like to thank the State of Bavaria for its generous support."
The TUM Center for QuantumEngineering
The ZQE will be ready for occupancy in 2024. As a central institute it is an independent interdisciplinary TUM facility and is not part of a particular School. When completed the facility will feature approximately 2500 square meters of high-technology laboratory space as well as room for administration and teaching. The new institute will concentrate on three interdisciplinary research focus areas: Hybrid quantum components and quantum circuits, functional quantum materials and modeling complex quantum systems.
The Bavarian State government's Hightech Agenda is investing a total of 3.5 billion euros to accommodate 13,000 new students and 1000 new professorships. Here the promotion of quantum technologies plays a central role.
Technical University of Munich
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Contacts to this article:
TUM Zentrum für QuantumEngineering (ZQE)
Prof. Christian Pfleiderer
Lehrstuhl für Topologie korrelierter Systeme
christian.pfleiderer @ph.tum.de