Faculty@TUM offers an evidence-based, custom-tailored development program for professors.
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As professor at TUM, you are not only responsible for research and teaching, but also for tasks such as selecting suitable staff members, supporting junior researchers and leading your team in an efficient manner. You are also responsible for managing resources and creating structures in order to facilitate sustainable research for real social impact. The key challenge is to meet different roles and demands, and at the same time ensure that appropriate boundaries between work and private life exist.
The Faculty@TUM Team of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning supports you in mastering your daily leadership and management challenges. We are the exclusive platform for professors at TUM for continuing education and networking, and offer customized events and resources for your diverse challenges. Our offers are made by scientists for scientists: scientifically based and practice-oriented, sustainable and effective.
You are new at TUM?
Prof. Claudia Peus, Professor of Research and Science Management and Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity at TUM, gives you specific tips for your start at TUM in the video on the right. Here you can find our events for newly appointed professors. All offers of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning and other relevant services can be found in our Faculty@TUM Guide for newly appointed professors:
Our offers

Our workshops focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors.

In a personal conversation, we will discuss which TUM resources could be most useful for you, given your current needs.

Leadership Profiles
Our personal Leadership Profiles are designed to support you in further developing teamwork.

TUM Leadership Toolbox
In our TUM Leadership Toolbox, we provide literature and practical guidelines on different leadership topics.

In our podcast series "Leadership Matters", we discuss issues related to good leadership with outstanding experts from research and practice.
Workshops & Networking for Professors: Our Events
With the Faculty@TUM workshops, we focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors. We provide you with evidence-based and practice-oriented tools for your everyday work, such as techniques for personnel selection processes, feedback interviews, or dealing with stressed employees. The further development of your (self)leadership and management skills is just as important for us as connecting you with colleagues within TUM and beyond. With our events, we provide you with the opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers, and share knowledge and best practices in an exclusive setting. Our instructors are scientists and leaders from higher education.
All events
Wie gehe ich mit einer Interviewanfrage um? Muss ich alle Fragen von Journalistinnen und Journalisten beantworten? Was tue ich, wenn ich in Sozialen Medien angegriffen werde? Was muss ich beachten, wenn ich an einer Talkshow teilnehme? Wie kann ich meine Forschung einer breiten Öffentlichkeit vermitteln? Solche und ähnliche Fragen machen deutlich: Professionelle Wissenschaftskommunikation wird für Forschende immer komplexer.
Dr. Martina Preiner war langjährig als freie Journalistin für Medien wie Deutschlandfunk, WDR, Spektrum der Wissenschaft und die Neue Zürcher Zeitung tätig und ist heute Forschungsgruppenleiterin am Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie sowie am „Zukunftszentrum Mikrokosmos Erde“. Im Gespräch mit VP Prof. Dr. Jeanne Rubner teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaftskommunikation und vereint dabei beide Perspektiven – die der Journalistin und der Wissenschaftlerin.
- Sie verstehen, was Medien von Forschenden erwarten.
- Sie erhalten einen Überblick über Kommunikationsformate.
- Sie bekommen Tipps für Ihre eigene Kommunikationsstrategie.
Мoderiertes Gespräch zwischen Dr. Martina Preiner und VP Prof. Dr. Jeanne Rubner, genügend Zeit für Erfahrungsaustausch und Diskussion
Wann & wo
12:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr
Online (Zoom)
Der Referentinnen
Dr. Martina Preiner, Forschungsgruppenleiterin am Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie sowie am „Zukunftszentrum Mikrokosmos Erde“
Prof. Dr. Jeanne Rubner, VP Global Communication & Public Engagement
Ihr Kontakt
Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an sämtliche Professorinnen und Professoren der TUM. Bitte melden Sie sich mit unserem Anmeldeformular an! Tragen Sie den Termin in Ihren Kalender ein!
Die Teilnahme an einer Berufungskommission ist eine der wesentlichen Aufgaben von Professorinnen und Professoren. In diesem Seminar lernen Sie den idealen Ablauf eines Berufungsverfahrens kennen und welche rechtlichen Aspekte dabei besonders zu beachten sind. Behandelt werden unter anderem die Rechtsstellung der Kommission, die Rolle der Mitglieder, der Ablauf der Kommissionssitzungen sowie die Erstellung von Gutachten und Listen. Sie erhalten rechtliche und strategische Hinweise für die professionelle Mitwirkung in einer Berufungskommission.
- Sie verstehen die rechtlichen Grundlagen und Ihre Rolle innerhalb einer Berufungskommission.
- Sie lernen den Ablauf von Kommissionssitzungen sowie die Prozesse der Entscheidungsfindung kennen.
- Sie sind in der Lage, Ihre Aufgaben als Kommissionsmitglied sachgerecht und verantwortungsvoll wahrzunehmen.
Input durch Experten, genügend Zeit für Ihre Fragen zum Thema
Wann & wo
10:00 Uhr – 14:30 Uhr
Online (Zoom)
Der Referent
RA Prof. Dr. Dirk Böhmann, Justiziar für Medizin- und Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Hochschulverband (DHV)
Ihr Kontakt
Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an sämtliche Professorinnen und Professoren der TUM, die (potenzielle) Mitglieder oder Vorsitzende von Berufungskommissionen sind. Bitte melden Sie sich mit unserem Anmeldeformular an! Tragen Sie den Termin in Ihren Kalender ein!
The war for talent, skills shortages, and increasing job turnover rates make effective onboarding of new employees indispensable, also in administration and academia. A well-structured onboarding process on the part of the organization helps them integrate quickly, become productive, and develop positive work attitudes. In this talk, you will learn how new employees transition from organizational outsiders to organizational insiders, why this process of onboarding is essential for sustainable relationship management, and what you can do to promote newcomers’ organizational socialization. In addition to a classic onboarding checklist, specific requirements regarding e-onboarding and the onboarding of international employees will also be discussed.
- You will be able to identify the essential elements of an onboarding process by using respective checklists.
- You will explore different socialization strategies that you can use to get new employees on board.
- You will understand the peculiarities you have to consider when it comes to e-onboarding or onboarding of international employees
Expert input, group discussion
When & where
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Julia Reif, Professor of Business and Organizational Psychology at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
Leading an academic team means balancing diverse backgrounds, expertise, and ways of thinking. These differences can cause friction, but when managed effectively, they can also drive creativity, innovation, and performance, forming the foundation for excellence. This research-based workshop explores the psychological and social dynamics of teamwork, including common unconscious biases that affect decision-making and collaboration. By understanding these mechanisms, you will be better equipped to foster an inclusive team culture and create a sense of belonging that drives both engagement and performance.
You will learn how to leverage the variety of perspectives in your team and turn differences into advantages, thereby creating a stronger, more cohesive, and high-performing academic team. Whether you lead a research group, a faculty team, or an interdisciplinary collaboration, this workshop will provide you with concrete tools to cultivate excellence within your team.
- You will understand how unconscious biases and cognitive shortcuts impact team collaboration.
- You will learn practical strategies to foster inclusion and align your team around shared values so that everyone feels valued while working toward a common overarching goal.
- You will apply insights to your team and develop tailored solutions by using real-world examples from your academic environment.
Presentation, group discussions in breakout rooms
When & where
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Tanja Hentschel, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Amsterdam Business School
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
Do you know what allyship is? Are you interested in learning how to be a better colleague and leader for women and other marginalized groups at work? Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are often relegated to minorities. However, men can use their privilege and power to advocate for women and promote initiatives that address gender bias in academia.
In this workshop, we welcome men who are interested in learning about gender equity and who are motivated to better understand what they can do at work to make a difference. Together, we will learn about allyship, that is, supportive actions taken by people from relatively advantaged social groups (e.g., men) towards people from less advantaged ones (e.g., women).
- You will better understand what men’s allyship is and what effective advocates for gender equity can do.
- You will be able to discuss challenges you might face when engaging in allyship in a safe space.
- You will develop key skills that allow you to interrupt bias and support women.
Expert input, interwoven with group discussions and practical activities
When & where
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructors
Prof. Dr. Jamie Gloor, Professor at the School of Management at the University of St. Gallen
Eugenia Bajet Mestre, Research Assistant at the Competence Center for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of St. Gallen
Your contact
This workshop is aimed at male professors. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
Das Thema mentale Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz wird für Führungskräfte immer relevanter. Nicht zuletzt wegen steigender Fehltage aufgrund psychischer Erkrankungen. Dabei nehmen auch Krankheitsbilder im Spektrum der Neurodiversität zu. Doch welche Herausforderungen für Führungskräfte werden damit konkret beschrieben? Was gilt es in der Zusammenarbeit mit neurodiversen Mitarbeitenden oder Studierenden zu beachten? Und wie können Führungskräfte diese Vielfalt im Team konstruktiv nutzen? Anhand praxisnaher Beispiele erfahren Sie, wie Sie neurodiverse Personen besser unterstützen und integrieren können, um Potenziale zu entfalten und ein starkes Miteinander zu fördern.
- Sie lernen das Spektrum der Neurodiversität kennen und entwickeln eine konstruktive Haltung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Vielfalt und Erkrankung.
- Sie erfahren, wie Sie als Führungskraft ein gutes Arbeitsumfeld für die Zusammenarbeit mit neurodiversen Menschen schaffen können.
- Sie lernen konkrete Maßnahmen zur Förderung und Integration von neurodiversen Mitarbeitenden kennen.
Impulsvortrag und Diskussion, genügend Zeit für Erfahrungsaustausch und Fragen
Wann & wo
12:30 Uhr – 13:30 Uhr
Online (Zoom)
Der Referent
Chefarzt Dr. med. Simon Senner, Chefarzt am Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau/Konstanz
Ihr Kontakt
Bitte melden Sie sich mit unserem Anmeldeformular an! Tragen Sie den Termin in Ihren Kalender ein!
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping knowledge work by not only promoting productivity but, more importantly, improving quality. A recent Harvard Business School study confirms it – AI significantly boosted task completion rates (by 25%), the number of tasks completed (by 12%), and the quality of the outcomes (by 40%).
As a professor at TUM, you have promising opportunities to integrate AI tools into your research and management tasks. In this talk, Prof. Daniel Mertens will share practical AI skills to help you increase your academic productivity and effectiveness. You will explore how AI can transform literature reviews, assist in grant writing, streamline project management, and support decision-making.
- You will learn to leverage AI tools for more efficient and objective literature reviews.
- You will understand how AI can enhance your scientific writing and grant applications.
- You will discover AI-assisted project management and decision-making techniques.
- You will reflect on the ethical considerations and get to know best practices for AI use in academia.
Interactive demonstration of AI tools, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and real-world case studies from Prof. Mertens' extensive experience in integrating AI in scientific research
When & where
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens, Head of research groups at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and the University Hospital Ulm
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” John F. Kennedy
This workshop is designed to facilitate the development of your leadership skills. We discuss the key concepts and theories of academic leadership and present evidence-based tools for transactional and transformational leadership. You are invited to reflect on your own leadership style and work on your personal development plan to become the leader you want to be.
- You learn about the principles of effective academic leadership.
- You know concrete techniques to become more successful in your leadership position.
- You learn about how others see yourself as a leader and where your potential for further development lies (TUM Leadership Profile).
Concrete leadership techniques for the specific challenges you are facing as a leader (based on state-of-the-art knowledge of academic leadership), individual micro development session to discuss your development plan based on your personal leadership profile
When & where
9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Karlstraße 45, 80333 Munich; 4th floor
The instructors
PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer, Executive Director of People Development, TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Dr. Selina Stracke, Leadership Development Expert, TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Registration deadline is: 10.06.2025. Mark your calendar!
Charismatic leadership does not always come naturally—it can depend on context and the social expectations we navigate. Especially for women, balancing societal norms and agentic demands can often be challenging. In this interactive session, you will gain insights into the theory of charisma and the influence of social stereotypes on communication. You will dive into practical strategies and examples to enhance your leadership presence and deepen your understanding of agentic and communal communication. Engaging exercises will help you harmonize charisma, agency, and communality within your personal leadership style. The talk will conclude with an open discussion in which you can exchange experiences with other inspiring women in academia.
- You will get an overview of charismatic leadership and the origins of social stereotypes about agency and communality.
- You will be able to identify and apply charismatic leadership tactics.
- You will learn about agentic and communal communication and how to combine them in a way that suits your own leadership approach.
Presentation, interactive exercises, group discussion
When & where
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Dr. Anely Bekbergenova, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Research and Science Management
Your contact
This talk is designed for female professors who want to lead with both confidence and authenticity. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!