Archive: Funded Projects since 2019

Ideas Competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie”

With the ideas competition “Academic Enrichment of the Excellence Strategy”, started in 2019, TUM promotes initiatives in the area of study and teaching that aim to advance the use of digital forms of teaching, learning, and examining at TUM as well as to develop innovative transdisciplinary teaching formats.

Competition 2025/2026

The call for proposals for the ideas competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie” 2025/26 aimed to promote new initiatives, new formats, new contents and new structures in the area of teaching, learning and assessment for the further development of teaching at the TUM. 

The following projects will be funded:

Competition 2021

The call for proposals for the ideas competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie” 2021 aimed to promote digital and project-based forms of teaching, learning and examining. Applications could be submitted in the two funding lines “Digital Teaching, Learning and Examination Formats” and “Project Weeks”.

The following projects will be funded in the individual categories:

Digital Teaching, Learning and Examination Formats

Project Weeks

Competition 2020

With the funding lines “Virtual Labs”, “Digital Teaching and Examination Formats” and “Student Learning”, the call for proposals in 2020 aimed in particular to promote the use of digital forms of learning, teaching and examination.

The following projects were funded in the individual categories:

Virtual Labs

Digital Teaching and Examination Formats

Student Learning

Competition 2019

In 2019, the funding lines were "Department-spanning Modules", "Plug-in Modules" and "Spirit". A particular focus of the funding was on the development of innovative cross-faculty and transdisciplinary formats.

The following projects were funded in the individual categories:

Department-spanning Modules

Plug-in Modules


Contact Quality Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Quality Management

Arcisstr. 19
80333 München
