Offers for girls and young women
You want to experiment, find out about university life and find out if science or technology is something for you? Then take part in the projects exclusively for girls and young women!

Girls'Day – Mädchen Zukunftstag
On Girls' Day, companies, universities and research centers throughout Germany open their doors to schoolgirls from the 5th grade onwards.
The next Girls' Day is on April 3, 2025. For more information, visit the official Girls' Day website.
The following offers from TUM institutions are available on Girls' Day (list will be updated regularly):
Entdecke die Welt der Informatik: Kreativ, spielerisch und einzigartig!
Technische Universität München / Forschungsgruppe Angewandte Bildungstechnologien -
Entdecke die Zukunft: Künstliche Intelligenz kreativ erleben
Girls‘ Day am TUM Think Tank - Exzellenzcluster e-conversion
Forschung in der Gießerei- und Umformtechnik
TUM Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen & Fraunhofer IGCV -
In einem Labor forschen - Girl's Day am TUM Campus Straubing
Reise durch die Welt der Synthetischen Biologie
iGEM Team München -
Supercomputer meets Quantencomputer
Munich Quantum Valley -
Werde Wissenschaftlerin in einer Großforschungseinrichtung! (Vormittag)
Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) -
Werde Wissenschaftlerin in einer Großforschungseinrichtung! (Nachmittag)
Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)
TUM Entdeckerinnen: MINT-Erlebnis an der Uni
Do you want to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science and technology? Then become a scientist, researcher or engineer yourself in our hands-on projects!
Target group: Exclusively for girls and young women
Location: various TUM locations
Time: during the first three weeks of the Bavarian summer holidays
Registration: required
Please note: Almost all courses are in German. A few courses are in English.
In the two- to four-day hands-on courses, you can gain an insight into the various STEM fields together with girls or young women of the same age.
The focus of the projects varies depending on the age group (11-12 years, 13-15 years, 16-18 years). And the small group sizes allow you to get up close and personal with the topics.
Review: Program booklet MINT-Erlebnis 2024
At the „MINT-Erlebnis an der Uni“ in summer 2024 in total 24 projects from a wide variety of STEM fields took place. We would like to thank the participating schools & institutions of TUM for their commitment!
The offer looks back on a long tradition of programs for the promotion of girls and young women, especially in the MINT area at TUM. For more than 20 years, these programs have been offered as a building block for meeting TUM's gender equality standards. The "MINT-Erlebnis an der Uni" was created in 2019 from the merger of "Mädchen machen Technik - das Ferienprogramm der TUM" and "Schülerinnen forschen - die Herbstuniversität der TUM" of the agency for girls in science and technology.
TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Studienberatung und -information
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
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Youtube: @exploretum