TUM Magazine
Issue 01/25
Welcome to the online edition of our new TUM Magazine. Here you will successively find all articles of the current issue. Meet inspiring alumni such as Nobel Prize winner Johann Deisenhofer. Accompany researchers from the Cluster of Excellence e-conversion in their search for new materials for the energy transition. Or join us visiting the Venture Lab at the Weihenstephan campus, which offers start-ups in the fields of agriculture, food and biotechnology the best conditions for growth.
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Cover story
Mission: a human-made leaf
In the e-conversion Cluster of Excellence, researchers are studying ways to improve the efficiency and sustainability of energy conversion. Their work is inspired by the principle of photosynthesis.
In focus
The search for dark matter
Only a small portion of our Universe consists of “visible matter” such as atoms. The rest is Dark Matter. The nature of this Dark Matter is among the greatest enigmas of modern astrophysics. In the search for an answer to this question, researchers at the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1258 and the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence are building better and better experiments. One of these is CRESST, located far beneath the Gran Sasso massif in Italy's Apennine mountains, where it is well protected from possible background signals.
The photo shows Dr. Raimund Strauss, researcher at TUM, installing the detectors in the innermost part of the CRESST experiment. The detectors use ultra-pure crystals cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero. Dr. Strauss and his team are joining many other researchers around the world in the search for Dark Matter particles, which leave tiny measurable traces in the crystals. Successfully identifying such traces of Dark Matter would be a giant step towards a better understanding of the matter that makes up the universe.
More about the Clusters of Excellence

Venture Labs
Breeding ground for biotech start-ups
The TUM Venture Labs are an important building block in our university's excellent start-up ecosystem. We paid a visit the one for Food / Agro / Biotech on the Weihenstephan campus.
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