Support for researchers

The foundation of outstanding science is an inspiring environment and optimum general conditions for your research work: Discover our comprehensive range of advice and support services for our scientific staff.

Services for Professors

Munich Dual Career Office

This office offers practical support for newly appointed professors and their families, helping them to find their feet at TUM and feel at home in a new city.

To the MDCO


This platform supports professors in interdisciplinary leadership and management tasks, as well as in the further education and networking of all TUM professors.


TUM Leadership Toolbox

The TUM Leadership Toolbox contains practical tools, literature and TUM guidelines on the topic of academic leadership.

Leadership Toolbox

Faculty@TUM Guide

The guide provides newly appointed professors with an overview of the relevant institutions and helps them to find their way around.

Guide (PDF, 1,2 MB)

Professors at TUM

The faculty comprises over 600 professors. Here you can get an overview, find out about your colleagues and network with them.


Research funding

TUM ForTe – also known as the Office for Research and Innovation – offers our researchers professional and comprehensive advice on research funding and technology transfer, as well as assistance raising third-party funds.


The National Research Funding team assists with issues relating to DFG and BMBF funding as well as funding for large-scale equipment and construction of research facilities.

Team National


The International Research Funding team is the first point of contact for researchers seeking to raise third-party funds from European or international sources.

Team International

External partners

In research projects that include stakeholders from industry and other scientific institutions, TUM ForTe helps to provide clarity and offers topical workshops on potential cooperations.

Work together

Funding opportunities at TUM

Discover the financial support the university offers its professors for scientific projects and cooperations activities:

  • TUM Seed Funds: These funds are designed to help professors prepare and submit applications for highly competitive funding programs. The support ranges from seed capital to reduced teaching requirements and is available for German Research Foundation (DFG) and EU programs.
  • TUM Global Incentive Fund for international cooperation: The fund supports the foundation and consolidation of international relationships around the world, especially with selected partner universities.
  • Institute for Advanced Study – Focus Groups: Work as a TUM host together with an IAS Fellow and doctoral candidates on interdisciplinary research topics, with the support of TUM-IAS resources.
  • German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA): Together with the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) in France, we promote cooperation between European research institutions and companies. We support you in finding partners or with funding for your project.
  • TUM Innovation Networks: We facilitate pioneer spirit and transdisciplinary research – Learn more about funding possibilities for innovative research questions.

Bringing technologies to market

Young woman writing on a whiteboard

Entrepreneurship Education

Learn how to think and act like an entrepreneur: We impart in-depth knowledge about entrepreneurship, from basic knowledge to advanced skills.

To the offers
Winners of the IDEAward 2022


We support you in founding a technology company – with start-up consulting, qualification opportunities and access to financing.

Wall with notices at an idea workshop

Patents and Licenses

Receive advice and information from TUM ForTe concerning all aspects of intellectual property – Inventions, patents, software and more.

To the offers
Founder at the TUM Venture Lab Food/Agro/Biotech

Venture Labs

These entrepreneurial innovation centers enable us to assist researchers and students looking to start their own company.

To the labs

Services for Postdocs and Doctoral candidates

TUM Talent Factory for postdocs

We support junior researchers and international postdocs looking to conduct a research project at TUM.

TUM Talent Factory

Further services for postdocs

We offer an array of opportunities to engage with us, advance your career as a postdoc at TUM and receive the best possible support.


Support for doctoral candidates

We offer doctoral students an extensive range of funding, training and consultancy services at our TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS).

Services for doctoral candidates

Wiki for doctoral candidates

The TUM-GS offers a university public wiki that bundles the most important information about all phases of the doctorate with helpful links and important documents.

Visit Wiki

TUM Researcher

With the 12-month qualification program, researchers are prepared to take on a responsible (leadership) role in research. It is part of the program CareerDesign@TUM.

TUM Researcher

Services for International Researchers

Research and teaching abroad


Your start at TUM

Are you new to TUM and looking for some initial information? We offer our employees and researchers a quick overview: about our university and the people behind it, practical links and tools for everyday working life or leisure activities.


Settle in

A successful professional life also includes connecting with similarly minded people and making time for a rich private life. We offer the perfect conditions for you to achieve just that, with various family, accommodation and leisure-related services.

Employee services


We bring together different disciplines in our Schools and Research Centers. This includes encouraging researchers to generate ideas together and promoting close cooperation between researchers and students.

To the Schools

Get to know us

Research results, start-ups and the 'Hidden Champions' behind the scenes – "We are TUM" puts the spotlight regularly on the people that make our university what it is. The German-language episodes come out every six weeks.

All podcast episodes

Become part of the community

We connect people across cultural, disciplinary and generational boundaries, thereby fostering a vibrant community. You can become part of this community by joining sports teams, music groups or engaging in international exchange.

TUM Community

Present your research

Whether you are working on a website for your research, a new publication or a press release on a successful project, we can help you increase the visibility of your research and present it to the public and specific audiences.

High-performance technical infrastructure for all researchers

High-quality training and continuing education

Other services and facilities

We ensure the correct implementation of research projects in accordance with the rules of good scientific practice as well as ethical and legal principles.

Pathways to TUM

Would you like to launch your academic career with us, whether as a professor, a postdoc or as a doctoral candidate? We offer attractive conditions for researchers in all career phases, from our TUM Faculty Tenure Track program to a range of other opportunities.

Careers and jobs