
Should an accident occur in connection with study-related activities for which the university is responsible, students are covered by statutory accident insurance. Here you can find all the important information about insurance cover and the procedure for reporting accidents.

First aid in case of accidents

You witness an accident or get involved in another emergency situation?

In Germany, everybody is not only morally but also legally obligated to help. So keep calm, administer first aid if necessary, and don’t hesitate to call for help via the emergency number 112

If you feel you need to brush up on your first aid skills, first aid courses in English are offered by many institutions, for example the Johanniter.

Accident insurance

Students enrolled at TUM are covered by statutory accident insurance for all study-related activities for which the university is responsible, i.e. activities over which TUM has influence in terms of time, place, content, and organization (official TUM university events). This includes not only attending study-related lectures, seminars, or tutorials at TUM, but also participating in student councils, visiting the TUM University Library, or participating in student-led excursions offered by the university within the scope of the study or excursion purpose.

With the exception of participation in student councils, enrolled TUM students are generally also covered by statutory accident insurance on the direct routes to and from such university events.

However, students are not insured in the context of their private activities at TUM (e.g. visiting the canteen) and their study-related self-determined activities outside TUM, such as writing a thesis, following up a lecture at home, or private study trip.

The Bayerische Landesunfallkasse (BayerLUK) is responsible for the statutory accident insurance of the Free State of Bavaria. Accident insurance cover is free of charge for students and doctoral candidates.

As part of university sports, enrolled students are generally covered by statutory accident insurance during university-organized exercise classes; however, there is no insurance cover during free exercise classes/training. You can find binding information on this in the current course information of the University Sports Center.

Reporting an Accident

In the event of an accident, it is important to report it as soon as possible. Only then can the Bavarian State Accident Insurance Fund (LUK) process the case directly, and initiate all necessary measures.

So report all accidents that occur

  • within the organizational responsibility of the university or
  • on the direct way there or back before or after participation in study-related events,

immediately to the responsible contact person:

  • Accidents happend in Munich, Garching, or Weihenstephan should be reported to

    Monika Abstreiter
    TUM Center for Study and Teaching – Graduation Office and Academic Record
     Alte Akademie 1 , Room 4101.01.104, 85354 Freising
     +49 8161 71 5345
  • accidents happened in the course of degree programs of the TUM School of Medicine and Health at TUM Campus Olympiapark to

    Iris Demke
    Department Management Sport and Health Sciences
     Uptown München – Campus D, Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60/62, 80992 Munich
     +49 89 289 24703

  • Accidents happend at TUM Campus Straubing should be reported to

    Elke Nothaft
    TUM Campus Straubing
     Petersgasse 5/I, 94135 Straubing
     +49 9421 187 147
  • Accidents happened during a program of the University Sports Center to

    Sabine Weinrich
    Zentraler Hochschulsport
     Connollystr. 32, 80809 Munich
     +49 289 24651

Which information and documents need to be provided?

Please provide the following information and documents for the initial accident report if possible:

  • Unfallanzeige (accident report) – for Campus Munich and Campus Garching  the signature of the respective faculty or department is required
  • Wegeunfallbogen (commuting accident report) for accidents happened on the way to or from TUM, signed by yourself
  • Certificate of Enrollment (valid on the date of the accident)
  • Last and first name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Details on accident insurances

Further information about accident insurance can be found in the services guide under the key word accident insurance.