million euros third-party funding
52.931 Students
are enrolled at our university in the winter semester 2024/25. Of them, 36% are female students, 45% have come from abroad for their eduction at TUM.
698 Professors
research and teach at TUM. We have appointed 291 professors from universities abroad (as of 2006–2024).
7 Schools
form the academic foundation of our university, connected by Integrative Research Institutes at the interfaces between disciplines.
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12,299 Employees
are working at TUM and its university hospital, 8,037 of which are academic staff.
7 Global locations
are instrumental for the internationalization of TUM, including a campus for research and teaching in Singapore.
92,500 Alumni
make up our worldwide alumni network. 9,532 new graduations were awarded in the academic year 2022/23.
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10,595 Publications
by TUM academics appeared in 2023 in international journals (peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, reviews; source: Scopus 2024).
1,168 Doctorates
were awarded by TUM in the academic year 2023/24. A doctorate at TUM combines individual research work with the structured qualification offered by the TUM Graduate School.
482 mio. Euros third-party funding
for research and teaching was secured in accounting year 2023 making TUM one of German’s top- ranked universities.
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85 Start-up companies
were founded at TUM in 2023.
80 Patents
for inventions from TUM researchers are submitted to Patent Offices for the first time each year on average.
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19 Nobel Prizes
have been awarded to TUM professors and alumni since 1927, e.g. to Rudolf Mößbauer (Physics) and Ernst Otto Fischer (Chemistry).
25 Leibniz Prizes
have been awarded to TUM scientists since 1987 (as of: 2025). Our long-serving President Wolfgang A. Herrmann received it in 1987.
10 Humboldt Professors
have joined the TUM ranks (as of: 2024) – a major success in this competition for top international talent.
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237 ERC Grants
from the European Research Council (ERC) have been granted to our scientists (as of 02/2025) for ambitious research projects.
35 IEEE Fellows
have been researching and teaching at TUM (as of 2025). Fellow is the highest grade of membership of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Fundraising: EUR 466 mio.
from industry, foundations and private donors was channeled into research and teaching at TUM between 1995–2024.
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TUM in Zahlen 2023
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