TUM Center for Culture and Arts
We are creating a diverse cultural program for the university community – to discover hidden talents, broaden horizons, and to gain inspiration for new ways of thinking and working – with the offerings of the TUM Center for Culture and Arts.
![light and sound installation “AIS3 [aiskju:b]“ by the composer and concept artist Tim Otto Roth from 2019 (photo: Andreas Heddergott/TUM) light and sound installation “AIS3 [aiskju:b]“ by the composer and concept artist Tim Otto Roth from 2019 (photo: Andreas Heddergott/TUM)](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/9/csm_20190207_Kunstinstallation_AH_506598_4f23989bfc.jpg)
Music, literature, fine arts, performing arts or digital arts: With wide-ranging programs, we forge ties to innovation and technology, politics, history and society. All members of the TUM community − and friends of TUM − are invited to take part: expand your horizons and embrace new ways of thinking.
Winter semester 24/25
Courses for students
Seminars, creativity labs and excursions: Here students discover their creative and cultural curiosity, and gain credits for their degree while exploring less familiar fields of knowledge. This offer is part of the general skills teaching program “Science ⋈ Technology ⋈ Society (Kontextlehre WTG)” as well as the English Department at the TUM Language Center.
Enrolment and available places in TUMonline
Sorted by start date:
- 17.10 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture (Seminar)
- 17.10 From "New Atlantis" to "Blade Runner" - Utopias and Dystopias in Culture, Literature and Film (Seminar)
- 23.10 Die Wahrung der Menschenrechte angesichts der Schwächung der internationalen Ordnung durch Kriege und Terrorismus (Workshop)
- 23.10 Women in Science (language course)
- 23.10 Focus on the USA (language course)
- 23.10 Controversial Topics in Science and Technology (language course)
- 24.10 The Science of Science Fiction (language course)
- 24.10 English through Cinema (language course)
- 25.10 Mensch, Maschine und Interaktion Subversive und konstruktive Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Maschine (Seminar)
- 13.12 Gustav Mahler: Musik und Philosophie (Seminar)
- 31.01 Design und Menschenbild (Workshop)
Enrolment and available places in TUMonline
Sorted by start date:
- 10.10 MK: Campus - "Wer wir wirklich sind". Workshops zur Inszenierung "Amerika / Der Verschollene" von Franz Kafka (Workshop)
- 18.10 Positionen des modernen Designs: Die Neue Sammlung The International Design Museum Munich (Workshop)
- 18.10 Poetik und Philosophie der Freundschaft Eine Denk- und Schreibwerkstatt (Seminar)
- 18.10 Pop-up Show, DIY Lab, Infogame, Wissens-Dating: Gestalte neue Formen der Wissensvermittlung für das Science Communication Lab im Deutschen Museum! (Workshop)
- 24.10 Management and Shakespeare (language course)
- 25.10 Creative Writing: Intro to Narrative Strategies and Literary Forms (language course)
- 25.10 „Wir sind alle WeltbürgerInnen“ Eine Einführung in die Kunstgeschichte anhand großer Meisterwerke der Pinakotheken (Seminar)
- 31.10 Literature, Technology and Society (language course)
- 04.11 Jules Verne: Zukunft zwischen Science und Fiction (Workshop)
- 15.11 Munich - 'The Capital of the Movement' Field Trip to the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism (Exkursion)
- 15.11 Diskriminierung, Verfolgung und Vernichtung KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau in Geschichte & Gegenwart (Workshop)
- 22.11 Discrimination, Persecution and Extinction Dachau Concentration Camp in History & Present (Workshop)
- 30.01 MK: Campus - "Aktivismus und Kunst". Workshops im Theater (Workshop)
Enrolment and available places in TUMonline
Sorted by start date:
- 10.10 Orchester am Stammgelände: Symphonisches Ensemble München (Workshop)
- 15.10 Making Comics Visuelle Erzählungen zur inhaltsorientierten Kommunikation erstellen (Workshop)
- 16.10 Chor am Campus Weihenstephan (Workshop)
- 17.10 Tanzkunst entdecken - durch Bewegung zum eigenen Ausdruck finden (Workshop)
- 18.10 Come Together! - Inter/Cultural Practice for Locals, Foreigners and World Inhabitants (Workshop)
- 21.10 Big Band (Workshop)
- 21.10 Intercultural Communication (language course)
- 23.10 Orchester am Campus Weihenstephan (Workshop)
- 24.10 Jazzprojekt (Workshop)
- 19.11 Grafikdesign Werkstatt: Typen, Formen & Raster oder „Das Plakat“ (Workshop)
- 27.11 Beginnen. Eine literarische Schreibwerkstatt (Workshop)