TUM Center for Culture and Arts

We are creating a diverse cultural program for the university community – to discover hidden talents, broaden horizons, and to gain inspiration for new ways of thinking and working – with the offerings of the TUM Center for Culture and Arts.

light and sound installation “AIS3 [aiskju:b]“ by the composer and concept artist Tim Otto Roth from 2019 (photo: Andreas Heddergott/TUM)

Music, literature, fine arts, performing arts or digital arts: With wide-ranging programs, we forge ties to innovation and technology, politics, history and society. All members of the TUM community − and friends of TUM − are invited to take part: expand your horizons and embrace new ways of thinking.



Bavarian Academy of Writing: Reading discussion

Fri 3/7/2025, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


We invite you to a reading discussion - this time it's about the question: How do you get into the literary business?


TUM goes Kammerspiele: proteus 2481

Thu 1/23/2025, 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Munich Kammerspiele

Experience a theater evening at the Kammerspiele with an exclusive look behind the scenes for TUM students and employees.


International Quantum Forum

Thu 30 – Fri 1/31/2025

TUM Think Tank, Alte Utting, SMÄK, Gasteig HP8

Find out more about quantum research at the interface between art and technology - over two days and four exciting locations. Register now!

Winter semester 24/25

Courses for students

Seminars, creativity labs and excursions: Here students discover their creative and cultural curiosity, and gain credits for their degree while exploring less familiar fields of knowledge. This offer is part of the general skills teaching program “Science ⋈ Technology ⋈ Society (Kontextlehre WTG)” as well as the English Department at the TUM Language Center.

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Exclusive view of the front/backstage

TUM goes Münchner Kammerspiele

Welcome! The Münchner Kammerspiele open their doors to connect with TUM students: During the 2024/25 season, we invite students to six productions on the big stage (Schauspielhaus) with an exclusive supporting programm for the discounted price of €5 per night (ticket category “MK: Mach Mit”). Employees of TUM are very welcome to join the supporting programm! Selected performances have English surtitles. The offer is part of the cultural partnership "Art meets Technology" with the Kammerspiele.

Der Habibi Kiosk der Münchner Kammerspiele ist ein Raum für Austausch und Dialog. Auch Studierende der TUM laden in den "Nachtgesprächen" hier das Theaterpublikum zum Diskussionen zu Inszenierungen und aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Fragen ein, im Rahmen der Kulturpartnerschaft "Art meets Technology".. Julian Baumann/Münchner Kammerspiele
Blick in den Habibi Kiosk der Münchner Kammerspiele an der Maximilianstraße

More about our cultural partnership with the Kammerspiele

Art meets Technology

Look forward to experimental projects and events, just like in-depth discussions of an introductions into current theatre productions. Together with the Munich Kammerspiele theater, link science and art in creative and often surprising ways, opening up new insights into technological developments through artistic reflections. This means not only sharing scientific knowledge, but also expanding the understanding of society in the world of research. Further exciting projects soon:

Habibi Kiosk – MK Projects  Theaterlabor Neuperlach – MK Projects  MK: Mitmachen


Any questions? Please get in touch

Our Team

Felix Mayer
Artistic Director

mayerspam prevention@tum.de

Clara Valdés Stauber
Project Manager

„Art meets Technology“

clara.valdes-stauberspam prevention@tum.de

Anja Muckenfuß
Managing Director

anja.muckenfussspam prevention@tum.de


TUM Center for Culture and Arts (CCA)
Augustenstr. 44, 2nd floor
D-80333 München

The title image of this page shows the light and sound installation “AIS3 [aiskju:b]“ by the composer and concept artist Tim Otto Roth from 2019. The installation made it possible to experience data from the IceCube neutrino detector at the South Pole with all the senses and was organized by the SFB1258 Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics. (photo: Andreas Heddergott/TUM).