Foundations of Life
Where do we come from? What is the world made from? What constitutes a living thing? To answer these questions, we use cutting-edge equipment and scientific methods to study the universe and the structure of matter.

We also investigate the fundamental mechanisms of life – from the Big Bang to the emergence of the first molecules through to cells and complete organisms. We use astrophysics and particle physics to explore the fundamental forces and structures that shaped the universe and how its galaxies, stars and planets evolved. Our goal is to clarify how our Earth and life on it came into being and whether there is life elsewhere in the universe.
We delve deep into cells and organisms to study the functions of biomolecules, how they move, change, and interact with each other, and how they affect cellular and cell-like systems. State-of-the-art methods enable us to draw important conclusions about the origins of diseases and the development of new therapies.
- ###SCHOOL-NAT###
- TUM School of Life Sciences
- Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
- Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering (MIBE)
- TUM Center for Functional Protein Assemblies (CPA)
- Walter Schottky Institute (WSI) / WSI-Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (WSI-ZNN)
- Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)
- Bayerisches NMR-Zentrum
You will find a selection of important current research projects here:
- Cluster of Excellence „Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology“ (MCQST)
- Cluster of Excellence „ORIGINS“
- CRC 1258: Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics (NDM)
- TUM Innovation Network „RISE“
EU funding: ERC Grants, EU Projects, EITs
- BifurCAT, ERC Starting Grant, Dr. Golo Storch
- HighPhun, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Tancredi
- IMMUNO-TEX, ERC Starting Grant, PD Dr. Simon Heidegger
- ORIGIN, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr. Mathias Wilhelm
- SupraModel, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr. Julija Zavadlav
- SYNSEMBL, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr. Henrike Niederholtmeyer
- VOLARIS, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Reiß
- ChromoMemInMotion, ERC Consolidator Grant, Prof. Dr. Karl Duderstadt
- DeCoDe, ERC Consolidator Gran, Prof. Dr. Matthias J. Feige
- RES-NOVA, ERC Consolidator Grant, Dr. Luca Maria Pattavina
- EFT-XYZ, ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. Nora Brambilla
- GemX, ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönert
- NEUTRINOSHOT, ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. Elisa Resconi
- MAGIC (Prof. Dr. Roland Pail)
- Overview of research projects at TUM
You will find a selection of degree programs offered by TUM in the field of "foundations of life” here:
- Bachelor Biochemistry
- Bachelor Chemistry
- Bachelor Life Sciences Biology
- Bachelor Molecular Biotechnology
- Bachelor Physics
- Master Biochemistry
- Master Biology
- Master Chemistry
- Master Matter to Life
- Master Molecular Biotechnology
- Master Physics – Applied and Engineering Physics
- Master Physics – Biophysics
- Master Physics – Nuclear-, Particle and Astrophysics
- Master Physics – Condensed Matter Physics
You will find a selection of courses on “foundations of life” offered by the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning here