TUM Student Clubs

Students at our university are getting involved in various causes and projects they are passionate about. Actively shape your time at TUM, explore your interests, discover your talents and achieve great things together.

TUM Student Clubs
TUM Students involved
wins at Global Student Challenges

Get inspired by the diversity of student involvement

Whether you bring sustainability to campus, coach young people for more equal opportunities in education, enrich campus life with art and culture, foster exchange across disciplines and countries, develop innovative technological solutions, network with industry, or start your own business – in a TUM Student Club you can bring your vision to life, share your enthusiasm with like-minded people, make new friends, learn from each other, and grow together.

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Find a TUM Student Club

Would you like to get involved in a student initiative at TUM and are looking for inspiration – or would you like to know which groups share your passion?

Take a look at our TUM Student Clubs:

Academic & Education


Business & Entrepreneurship


Culture & the Arts


International & Country-Specific


Networking & Career


Religious & Spiritual


Social & Diversity


Sustainability & Health


Technology & Research


Start a TUM Student Club

You want to start your own TUM Student Club? No matter if you have an idea or an entire project group – here’s some tips to get started.

And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Support for
TUM Student Clubs?

You have already started your own TUM Student Club and are looking for support?

Here you will find an overview of the various offers and services at TUM. If you have further questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tips for increasing the awareness for your TUM Student Club

  • Keep your website or social media account up-to-date, so that interested students can find out about the acitivities of your student group and can get in touch with you.
  • Present the activities of your student initiative to the TUM community at the TUM Student Club Market and network with interested students and other student groups at TUM.
  • Introduce your TUM Student Club on our website. To Do so send us the completed self-declaration as well as 1-3 sentences in German and English via e-mail to studentclubsspam prevention@tum.de.
  • Once your TUM Student Club has been accredited by the Council of Students Representatives, it will be published on the website of the TUM Students Council and TUM Campus App and you can also use the infoscreens.
  • To promote an event or activity of your Student Club you can use the social media channel of TUM . Feel free to get in touch with us. In consultation with the TUM Student Council, content can also be shared via their social media channels.

Further questions or feedback?

Please feel free to contact me – I will be happy to help you or to put you in touch with the right people.

Community & Student Engagement Manager Anne Hüttenrauch, M.A. studentclubsspam prevention@tum.de

TUM Student Clubs at a glance

There is a broad variety of outstanding, exciting student initiaitves at TUM. 

Academic & Education

Business & Entrepreneurship

Culture & the Arts

International & Country-Specific

Networking & Career

Religious & Spiritual

Social & Diversity

Sustainability & Health

Technology & Research


Self-declaration TUM Student Clubs

For newly founded initiatives and to check eligibility to rent rooms at TUM.
PDF, 210 KB

Reservation Request

To enquire about the availability of rooms at TUM and to check for cost exemption.
PDF, 188 KB

Guide: TUM Student Clubs

Helpful information on how to start a student club and on support services offered by TUM
PDF, 4.3 MB

Leaflet: Rules for the allocation of rooms at TUM

For your information before renting and using rooms of the TUM
PDF, 2.0 MB

TUM receives VDSI certificate "Committed University"

With the award of the "Committed University" certificate, the Verband Deutscher Studierendeninitiativen e.V. (VDSI) documents and recognizes TUM's previous measures and successes in promoting student engagement at our university.

The VDSI is the association of sixteen of the largest student initiatives in Germany and represents over 100,000 students nationwide. On behalf of its member initiatives, it campaigns for the interests of students who are involved in extracurricular activities.  The "Committed University" certificate was developed by the VDSI to recognize universities for particularly strong support of student engagement over a period of two years. VDSI

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