Central Administrative Offices
TUM has established a set of central administrative offices charged with all organizational matters pertaining to teaching and learning. Every decision and change management process is handled by advisory boards, which promotes transparency and traceability, and ensures that all parties concerned are involved from the start.
Study and Teaching Board
The Study and Teaching Board (formerly Academic Affairs Board/Vorstand Lehre), a small executive panel that meets six times per year and as necessary, convenes ad hoc task forces to handle current issues and report on the implementation of solution strategies.
The Study and Teaching Board consists of seven Vice Deans Academic and Student Affairs of the Schools, the Dean of Studies of the TUM Campus Straubing, one representative from the Research Associates’ Council, one representative of the Degree Program Management Committee, one representative of the Institute for LifeLong Learning, one member of the Board of Directors of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies and three student representatives. The board is chaired by the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. All activities in the area of study and teaching come together in the Study and Teaching Board.
Current members of the Study and Teaching Board:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Müller (Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, chair)
- Prof. Dr. Pascal Berberat
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ernstberger
- Lisanna Gottwald
- Marlene Hackmann
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Hayden
- Dr. Ingrid Heiser
- Dr. Philipp Höffer von Loewenfeld
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kienberger
- Bernhard Kraus
- Prof. Mark Michaeli
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Nerdel
- Dr. Johannes Petermeier
- Helen Sauer
- Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schwab
- Prof. Dr. Cordt Zollfrank
Study and Teaching Council
The Study and Teaching Council (formerly Academic Affairs Council/Parlament Lehre) is a communication body that allows for direct exchange on fundamental issues related to study and teaching. The council is composed of the members of the Study and Teaching Board, the Academic Program Directors, the Women's Affairs Officer, and another student representative. It is chaired by the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. The results from the Study and Teaching Board and its working groups are presented to the Study and Teaching Council for implementation decisions and communicated to TUM’s Board of Management.
TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Study and Teaching – Planning
Arcisstr. 19
80333 Munich
Dr. Thomas Laßleben
Tel.: +49 89 289 22069
Mail: lassleben(at)zv.tum.de