Our podcastsat a Glance
Podcasts bring stories to life: The university generates a steady stream of fascinating podcast episodes revolving around cutting-edge research, socio-political topics, entrepreneurialism and of course the people behind them.
We are TUM
Research results, start-ups and the 'Hidden Champions' behind the scenes – "We are TUM" puts the spotlight on the people that make our university what it is. The German-language episodes come out every six weeks.
LifeLong Learning
The podcast of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning examines the key issues of our time. The four mini series to date focus on leadership, sustainability, technology in sports, and the main research topics of our international network.
That's my Job
"That's my Job" is all about career questions and the first job after graduating from university. Alumni provide insights into their professional careers, give tips for salary negotiations and advise on how to find your dream job. The episodes are available in German or English.
Forschung fördert Bildung
From research to the classroom: "Forschung fördert Bildung" presents results and methods of educational research in an understandable way. Each of the German-language episodes discusses current questions of teaching and learning, such as the use of digital tools or adaptive learning software.
Entrepreneurial Realities
Learning from the best: "Entrepreneurial Realities" showcases inspiring personalities from the business sector sharing their knowledge. The English-language podcast features tips on founding a company, financing and investments.
Mostly Awesome
The road to your own start-up can certainly be bumpy. In "Mostly Awesome" founders talk about their successes, setbacks and the motivation to drive an idea to fruition. New episodes appear in English every second Wednesday.
Schlaflose Nächte
The podcast about family businesses: Changing guests report on challenges, doubts and turning points in their careers. “Schlaflose Nächte” was developed by UnternehmerTUM, new episodes are published every two weeks in German.
Profession and vocation - paths into medicine
The German-language podcast series provides insights into the lives of doctors: What self-image do they bring with them, what successes and defeats have shaped them? In addition, different subjects, clinics and disciplines in medicine are presented.
Light O'Clock
What effects does light have on our bodies and how can it be used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders? The English-language podcast “Light O'Clock” presents exciting findings from research on circadian rhythms.
Dementia research: understandably explained
From Alzheimer's Disease to stroke: The researchers of the Cluster of Excellence "SyNergy" present the latest findings and explain how neurological disorders, in which nerve cells die off on a large scale, arise. The podcast is regularly published in German.
Exzellent erklärt
From insights into Alzheimer's disease to quantum science as the basis for future technologies - the German-language podcast "Exzellent erklärt" interviews researchers from Germany's 57 Clusters of Excellence, including the four clusters TUM is part of.
This interactive podcast series explores the latest trends in robotics. Guests include students, researchers, CEOs and industry leaders who share their knowledge and make even complex topics easy to understand.
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