Wind, sun or biomass - energy can be generated in many different ways. As a technical university, we find sustainable, cost-effective and practical solutions for the energy supply of the future.

Solutions to the energy transition can only be found through interdisciplinary cooperation: from basic research in the natural sciences, to strongly application-oriented research in the engineering sciences, to discussions on financing and regulation in economics and political science. At TUM, researchers from all these fields come together to work on new materials and improved technologies. People are at the center of our approach to innovation ("human-centered engineering"). Therefore, social factors and the social acceptance of new energy systems are taken into account.
The TUM.Energy profile area is an important part of our future concept TUM Agenda 2030. More than 100 professors are researching the energy supply of the future in 14 focus areas, bundled in the Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering (MEP). Numerous interdisciplinary (large-scale) research projects are implemented here, bringing together stakeholders in the Munich metropolitan region as well as national and international cooperation partners.
Focus areas
Developing and testing new materials for more powerful, more flexible solar cells and photocatalysts is an important area of research at our university.
The researchers investigate the components at a molecular level, among other things, using simulations and modeling. The improvement of energy and material efficiency, functionality, longevity and new fields of application form part of the scientific work.
Our research deals with all relevant areas of wind energy, including wind turbines, the operation of (offshore) wind farms, the economy, the impact on the environment and the population and the political framework conditions. The researchers take a multidisciplinary approach and cooperate with universities in Europe, Asia and America.
Together they are investigating questions such as: How can wind energy be integrated into a future energy system in order to contribute to stability, robustness and power quality in the face of fluctuating market demand and prices?
Biomass offers a wide range of potential uses for heat, electricity, fuels, chemical base materials, polymers, building materials, pharmaceuticals and food production. Almost all areas of our university are actively involved in research into biomass and its use.
Scientific work on energy-related topics takes place primarily at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability and at Campus Garching. Among other things, a new technological approach to biogas utilization is being developed here using a combination of high-temperature fuel cells and electrolysis.
Our approach to hydropower as renewable energy combines socio-economics with ecology and sustainability. The improvement of environmental compatibility and efficiency plays a decisive role here. Small hydropower as a sustainable solution for decentralized energy supply is just as much a topic as the optimization of the shaft power plant developed at TUM.
Researchers are looking for new modeling tools, collecting data on bodies of water, creating digital twins of structures and bodies of water or developing models for quality of habitats and water.
Geothermal energy utilizes thermal energy stored in the earth and released through radioactive decay. Our focus areas include the thermodynamic improvement of systems and processes and the safe and sustainable use of resources.
With their work, our researchers contribute to making deep drilling safer and more economical, for example through the analysis of drill core behavior or geophysical measurements. In addition, machine learning methods are used to enable the future development of modern early warning systems.
Our battery research covers the entire energy storage value chain: from materials research, characterization and modelling through to cell production.
Our scientists are investigating the extent to which storage systems can be integrated into vehicles and the energy grid. They are researching new materials such as solid-state electrolytes and characterizing materials, components and battery cells using new or improved measurement methods. With a research production line for lithium-ion cells, all production steps for these cells can also be mapped and researched.
The central aim of PtX systems is the production of various gaseous and liquid energy carriers such as hydrogen or methanol ("X") from regeneratively generated electricity ("Power").
Our researchers conduct basic and applied research. They are working on hydrogen production using electrolysis methods, the provision of resources such as biomass for synthesis gases and the conversion of hydrogen into higher energy sources. The ecological and economic effects of this energy technology are also being analyzed.
Modern societies are dependent on a sustainable and secure supply of electrical energy in the long term. Our research covers energy system research in all its dimensions: from projects on self-sufficient stand-alone systems or the overall electrical system - from infrastructure to energy conversion technologies and the end energy sector.
At the heart of energy research are questions about modern, compact, sustainable and safe operating resources for the grid of the future and the resulting requirements for grid operation and efficient use.
In order to integrate renewable energy sources, the networking of different end energy sectors (sector coupling) is key - this is also due to the diverse technology options such as electrolysis, combined heat and power, heat pumps or e-mobility. New approaches using AI and mathematical optimization are also helping to develop intelligent, flexible solutions.
In order to experimentally test elements of future energy systems, our researchers operate the Combined Smart Energy Systems (CoSES) microgrid laboratory, which allows these technologies to be tested under realistic conditions.
In this area, we deal with a wide range of topics: sustainable neighbourhood development and green infrastructure, digital models for simulations of the built environment or supply infrastructure, energy and ecological optimization of large building stocks or urban planning for greater resilience to heat and heavy rainfall.
This results in holistic solutions that take into account socio-cultural, economic and ecological aspects as well as resource efficiency and the circular economy. Together with the City of Munich and other partners, we develop climate-resilient neighbourhoods to minimize economic and health impacts.
Vertical farms enable space-saving cultivation on stacked levels, which benefits not least the food supply in urban areas. We investigate the interaction between plant growth and buildings and look at individual components such as light, temperature control, ventilation and dehumidification - also with regard to their competitiveness.
The development of a prototype on a laboratory scale and the energy supply from renewable energy sources are also relevant fields of research. Synergies between energy technology, architecture and civil engineering, process engineering, life sciences, biotechnology and basic research are utilized.
In view of climate change, we are developing strategies for a reliable and affordable energy supply of the future that meets economic, technical and environmentally friendly standards. The Center for Energy Markets (CEM) combines economic, financial and engineering perspectives.
Our researchers investigate, for example, the attractiveness of investments in hydrogen technologies, the transition of energy supply companies to renewable portfolios, the competition between green and blue hydrogen or fundamental changes in the energy market due to digitalization.
Here, researchers from various institutions use their expertise in sustainable energy policy: at local, national, European and global level. They examine the connections and effects on policy areas such as the environment, economy, transport and agriculture as well as aspects of justice - socially and across generations.
We analyze how the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement can be achieved for different countries, regions and communities and which social influences affect a country's technological diversity and decisions. Incisive events such as wars or pandemics are also taken into account.
Germany's first and, from 2023, last reactor with a thermal power in the megawatt range is operated by TUM. The Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), the successor to the Atomic Egg, is one of the most modern and powerful research reactors in the world. Here, international researchers investigate new materials for longer-lasting batteries, fast quantum computers and nuclear fusion reactors.
Our university is an international leader in research to minimize the use of highly enriched uranium in the civilian cycle. It plays a central role in maintaining knowledge and expertise in safety-related nuclear issues.