Other scholarships, prizes and competitions
Numerous institutions award scholarships and prizes or hold competitions for students. Here you can find current announcements.
Every two years, the kbo Innovation Award Mental Health | Social Psychiatry of the Clinics of the District of Upper Bavaria honors empirical and practice-related scientific work in the field of mental health and social psychiatry. The prize is awarded in three categories (dissertations, Master’s theses, Bachelor’s theses) with prize money for first, second, and third place.
The prize is intended to build a bridge between science and research in the field of mental health and social psychiatry and to promote the exchange between teaching and practice.
Students and graduates in the fields of mental health, social work, social pedagogy, psychology, sociology, medicine, nursing, education, health management, public health, health care management, health sciences or in a comparable course of study are eligible to apply.
The application deadline is 31 March 2025.
For more information, please visit: www.kbo.de/kbo-innovationspreis (German).
With the Stockmeyer Science Award, the Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation honors practicable solutions and application-oriented research that contribute to improving food safety and strengthening consumer confidence in the quality of food.
The award is endowed with 10,000 euros.
The award is aimed at scientists who have made outstanding achievements in the above-mentioned areas. Individual scientific achievements such as doctoral theses, post-doctoral theses, or publications in scientifically recognized journals that have been published in the last three years will be honored.
Applications are possible as an individual or as a working group. They should include a cover letter, CV, a maximum two-page abstract of the work, and the research paper itself. Applications are to be sent to riewenherm. @stiftungsberatung.de
Applications are open until 31 May 2025.
For more information, please visit www.stockmeyer-stiftung.de/wissenschaftspreis.html (German).
The Landwirtschaftliche Rentenverein e.V. supports Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in the fields of Agriculture and Forestry at German universities and universities of applied sciences. Topics such as sustainability and risk prevention in agriculture and forestry are of particular interest.
Sponsored students receive a one-off payment of 500 euros. In addition, one Bachelor’s thesis and one Master’s thesis will be selected once a year from among all completed theses submitted, for which an additional grant of 1,000 euros will be awarded.
To apply, please send a synopsis (also of theses that have already been started) with a letter of motivation to info. @rentenverein.com
Applications for the first half-year are possible until May 31, 2024, and for the second half-year until October 15, 2024.
Further information can be found at www.rentenverein.com/stipendium-2.html.
The funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports professionals with vocational training and several years of practical experience in their first academic studies . Applications are possible even before the start of studies and until the end of the second semester. A full-time study program is supported with 992 euros per month plus 80 euros book allowance. In addition, there is a care allowance for children under 14 of 160 euros per child. For scholarship holders who study alongside their job, the funding amounts to 3,045 euros per calendar year.
Applications are open until 9 June 2025.
Here you will find further information (German).
The German University Foundation is awarding the Tandem Scholarship for educational advancers.
Students who will begin their studies in the winter semester of 202/26 and are the first in their family to study, have a higher education entrance qualification with at least the equivalent of the grade “good” of the German Abitur and are engaged in volunteer work can apply for the scholarship. They will be provided with 1:1 mentoring by a university lecturer who is close to their subject and place of study, and two workshops on key skills per year, personal one-on-one coaching sessions with professional coaches during the study period, networking events, specialist events and a study-related drawdown budget, as well as a digital package, will support their study and career success.
Applications are open until 1 September 2025.
All information about the scholarship and the application can be found at www.deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de/stipendienprogramme/tandem/.
With the hochform scholarship, the German University Foundation, in cooperation with the Walter Blüchert Foundation, supports refugee students or students from developing countries who are studying in a Master's degree program in a STEM subject at a public German university.
Applications are open to students in the first semester of their degree program who have German language skills of at least C1 level, are eligible for BAFÖG or have adequate funding, and are no older than 44 years.
Scholarship holders receive the following benefits:
- Matching with a university lecturer close to their subject and location as a mentor
- Supervision of the mentoring relationship by the German University Foundation
- Seminars to develop key skills (twice a year, compulsory) on the following topics:
- Mentoring as an opportunity and a task
- Self and learning management
- Job application training
- Intercultural skills
- One-time personal coaching with a professional coach during the study period
- Reimbursement of travel expenses for seminars and other trips associated with the scholarship
- Participation in academic events (e.g. DHV symposium) and involvement in relevant networks
- Provision of an annual call-off budget per scholarship holder for study-related costs
- Digital package for the purchase of digital technology, once per scholarship
Applications must be sent to Carina Heuser (heuser@deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de) with a letter of motivation (max. one page) outlining the expectations of the scholarship, a CV in tabular form (max. 2 pages) as well as certificates, proof of language proficiency, and certificate of enrollment electronically in single PDF.
Applications can be submitted until 30 September 2025.
For more information, please visit www.deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de/stipendienprogramme/hochform/ (German).
With the Ungethüm-Aesculap Scholarship for the Advancement of Surgery and Medical Technology, the B. Braun Foundation supports surgeons from Africa, Asia, and Latin America who wish to spend time at German universities to conduct research on medical technology topics.
The scholarship is aimed at surgeons with two to three years of professional experience in clinical research in the fields of general surgery, trauma surgery/orthopaedics, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, plastic surgery. or thoracic surgery.
Applications can be submitted between 1 March and 30 April and between 1 September and 31 October of each year.
Further information can be found at www.bbraun-stiftung.de/de/foerderungen/Ungethuem-Aesculap-Stipendium/Ungethuem-Aesculap-Fellowship.html.
Rimon supports interns whose internship is not or hardly paid. The scholarship is aimed in particular at people who want to do an internship in the fields of environment, education or health.
Scholarship holders are supported with 1,000 euros per month for the duration of the internship (up to three months).
Applicants do not have to be accepted for the internship at the time of application, but the scholarship will only be paid out if the internship actually begins.
Please send your application letter and CV to kontakt. In your application letter, please elaborate on what internship you would like to do and why, and what personal or professional goal this will bring you closer to. @rimon.group
Application deadline: November 30, February 28, May 31, August 31. The decision to award the scholarship will be made at the end of the month following the application deadline.
For more information, visit www.rimon.group/stipendium.
The Welcome Scholarship of the German University Foundation supports students from refugee areas who are studying at a German university, art or music college in a Bachelor’s or state examination degree program.
Applications are open to refugees in the first or second semester of their degree course who have German language skills of at least C1 level and are eligible for BAFÖG or have adequate funding.
Scholarship holders receive the following benefits:
- Matching with a university lecturer close to their subject and location as a mentor
- Supervision of the mentoring relationship by the German University Foundation
- Seminars to develop key skills (twice a year, compulsory) on the following topics:
- Mentoring as an opportunity and a task
- Self and learning management
- Presentation and self-presentation
- Job application training
- Business etiquette and communication
- Intercultural skills
- One-time personal coaching with a professional coach during the study period
- Reimbursement of travel expenses for seminars and other trips associated with the scholarship
- Participation in academic events (e.g. DHV symposium) and involvement in relevant networks
- Provision of an annual call-off budget per scholarship holder for study-related costs
- Digital package for the purchase of digital technology, once per scholarship
Applications must be sent to Simone Geerdsen (geerdsen) with a letter of motivation (max. one page) outlining the expectations of the scholarship, a CV in tabular form (max. 2 pages) as well as certificates, proof of language proficiency, and certificate of enrollment electronically in single PDF. @deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de
Applications can be submitted until 1 April and 1 September.
For more information, please visit www.deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de/stipendienprogramme/welcome/ (German).
The Franco-Bavarian University cooperation center BayFrance supports students at Bavarian or French universities who are planning a study or research visit in Bavaria or France. Scholarship holders receive a one-off grant of 500 euros to cover additional costs prior to a mobility phase and a location-dependent travel allowance of up to 450 euros. In addition, the costs of a preparatory online language course in German or French via DUO online can be covered.
The minimum duration for a study visit is four months, for research visits one month; corporate internships are not eligible for funding.
Details on the call for applications and the application process can be found at www.bayern-france.org/de/foerderung/unsere-foerderprogramme/studierende/ (German).
Applications can be submitted until April 15 and November 15 of each year.
The Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency offers various scholarships for participation in language courses, summer and winter schools as well as study and research stays and internships in the Czech Republic. For more information, visit www.btha.cz/de/.
With “Böckler-Aktion Bildung”, the Hans Böckler Foundation awards scholarships to young people who could not afford to study otherwise. Students who are on their way to obtaining their high school diploma (Abitur) or entrance qualification for university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) can apply. Applications are also open to those who have only recently qualified for university entrance.
Applications can be submitted up to three months before the end of the standard period of study.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation supports around 1400 students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines and nationalities each year, both in universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany.
Scholarship holders are expected to demonstrate outstanding academic or scientific achievements, social commitment and political interest, as well as an active engagement with the Foundation's core values of ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination and justice.
Applications are generally open March 1 and September 1 of each year.
All information can be found at www.boell.de/en/scholarships.
With its graduation grant, the E.W.-Kuhlmann-Stiftung supports students who are about to graduate and are dependent on financial support. They can receive an interest-free loan of up to €2000.
Applications can be submitted continuously.
Insights technology provider SUPRA is supporting scholarship recipients by funding a survey panel with 1,000 participants worth 3,500 euros.
Students of economics, marketing, market research, business information systems, psychology, social sciences or other similar subjects are eligible to apply.
To enter, applicants must submit an essay of 1,000 to 1,500 words on one of the categories (1) new pricing strategies for consumer products, (2) leveraging tech for better pricing, (3) innovative insights and research to find better pricing, (4) the future of pricing psychology or (5) AI methods in pricing.
Applications are accepted annually until August 30.
For more information, visit https://supra.tools/scholarship.
TUM Asia provides successful applicants with a one-time grant of up to 50% of the tuition fees for one of the following Master’s programs: Aerospace Engineering, Green Electronics, Industrial Chemistry, Integrated Circuit Design, Logistics Engineering and Management, Rail and Urban Transport, and Sustainable Food.
Detailed information on the TUM Asia Scholarship and how to apply can be found at tum-asia.edu.sg/admissions/graduate/scholarships/.
Applications can be submitted until the application deadline for the respective degree program.
The Stahlmann Foundation offers a housing scholarship to students who are younger than 25, have a good command of written and spoken German, have a clear idea of their educational goal, are striving to achieve this goal at a German educational institution, are in some form of need, and are willing to make a commitment to the Foundation.
The scholarship covers the rent for a shared apartment and the guarantee for the rent deposit for the current semester in each case; it is possible to extend the scholarship to a maximum of six semesters in total if studies proceed successfully.
For the application a curriculum vitae in German, a letter of motivation in German, the last certificate of the highest educational qualification, two independent confidential recommendations in German or English with contact information from the home country (in case of Ukrainian applicants also from another country) as well as the admission of a German educational institution are required.
Here you will find further information (German).