Integration Program for Refugees from Ukraine
Since summer semester 2022, the Technical University of Munich offers an integration program for people who cannot take up or continue their studies due to the war in Ukraine.
Participants of the integration program are registered as guest auditors will be able to attend courses at TUM, take exams for self-assessment, and thus get a professional orientation in the university environment; however, they are not enrolled as regular students. The usual application requirements apply for admission to regular studies at TUM.
Registration for the integration program in the summer semester 2025 is open from 15 January to 1 April 2025.
Учасники орієнтаційної програми для біженців та постраждалих від війни зареєстровані в ТУМ на статусі вільних слухачів.
Bони не вважаються повноправними студентами ТУМ і їм не видається студентськe посвідчення.
Вони мають право зареєструватися на участь у лекціях та курсах ТУМ. Мови викладання: німецька або англійська. Реєстрація здійснюється через TUMonline.
Вони мають право складати іспити для кращої оцінки здобутих знань.
Участь у орієнтаційній програмі не надає права студіювати у ТУМ або інших навчальних закладах Німеччини на загальних підставаx. Набуття повноправного статусу студента можливо лише за виконання умов вступу до вищих навчальних закладів Німеччини. Всю інформацію щодо подачі заяви до вступу в TUM можна знайти тут.
The integration program enables refugees from Ukraine to gain low-threshold access to the university environment in Germany. Participants receive special guest auditor status. This means that they can attend courses and also take exams, and use facilities such as the university library or the TUM Language Center.
Most lectures start at the beginning of the regular lecture period. The integration program is designed to last 2 semesters. The courses at TUM take place on campus – so participation in the program is only possible if you are on site.
As a participant in the integration program, you are not considered a regular student at TUM. Participation in the program also does not replace the regular requirements for studying at a German university.
For more information, please refer to the regulations for the integration programm (PDF, 218 KB).
Participation is open to all persons with Ukrainian citizenship who have a higher education entrance qualification in Ukraine, Belarus or Russia, as well as nationals of third countries if they have attended a Ukrainian school or higher education institution on February 24, 2022.
Registration for the integration program is done via TUMonline:
There, select the relevant semester, and as the type of study “Guest student program”, degree goal “Integration program Ukraine without degree”, study “Integration program Ukraine”.
Then upload all the required documents in the online application, submitting paper documents or appearing in person at the campus is not necessary for registration.
Registration for the integration program in the summer semester 2025 is open from 15 January to 1 April 2025.
- An official application, which you can download directly in the online application in TUMonline,
- a valid Ukrainian identification document, e.g. an ID or passport,
- a proof of your higher education entrance qualification (i.e. school certificate) for Ukraine, Belarus or Russia and or an enrollment certificate from your university in Ukraine,
- a current and complete curriculum vitae.
You can upload your documents in the original language (Ukrainian or Russian), a translation does not need to be provided; however, if you have a translation or English version of the documents, please upload them in a PDF along with the scan of the original.
If you are enrolled in the integration program, you can basically register for all lectures from all degree programs and departments in TUMonline. Each School or Department at TUM offers a course advisor who will help you select courses in the subject area you are interested in.
There are no special courses offered for participants of the integration program.
In the Campus Management System TUMonline you will find all courses after registration. It is not possible to register for courses with a limited number of participants (laboratory courses, internships, etc.).
Information on course registration via TUMonline can be found here.
All courses at TUM are offered in either German or English. You should therefore have a very good knowledge of one of these languages in order to take advantage of what we have to offer.
In the Campus Management System TUMonline you will find all courses after registration. There you can also see in which language the courses are taught.
It is not possible to register for courses with a limited number of participants (laboratory courses, internships, etc.).
Yes, as a participant in the integration program for refugees from Ukraine you can also take exams. To do so, you must register via TUMonline during the current semester. If you have any questions, the student advisor at the Department or School responsible will be happy to assist you.
You can take exams each semester up to a maximum of 21 ECTS. In the Campus Management System TUMonline you will also receive an official confirmation for each exam passed.
If you have general or organizational questions about the integration program or questions about registration, contact solidarity.
If you have subject-specific questions about individual courses or exams, please contact the study advisor of the relevant Department or School.