Person in front of a pinboard

Entrepreneurship Research

How do entrepreneurs make decisions? And what role do emotions play? How do I protect my invention from intellectual theft? How do I finance social enterprises? Entrepreneurial research is firmly anchored at TUM – especially at the TUM School of Management and the Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS).

Developing tools for founders

Entrepreneurship Research develops methods and tools for founders, which are conveyed to the start-ups by the start-up consultancy. Via a feedback and monitoring system, the use and success of the measures, methods and tools is reviewed by Entrepreneurship Research.

The effective implementation of the spin-off process of TUMentrepreneurship requires the use of modern methods and tools to support start-ups. These tools concern e.g. business development, business process management, team building, growth and quality management.

TUM ERI: TUMentrepreneurship Research Institute

All entrepreneurship research activities are bundled in this research center. In addition to the existing activities in entrepreneurship research at TUM, three new junior professorships have been established in the subject areas of "Strategic Entrepreneurship", "Entrepreneurial Behavior" and "Internationalization of Young Firms".


Entrepreneurship Research Institute

Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21
D-80333 München

Tel. +49 89 289 52803

Visiting Address:

Lichtenbergstraße 5
85748 Garching