Accommodation, Work and Finances
You are looking for a new apartment, a job or need financial support? Here you can find our offers.

- Finding an apartment can be difficult – especially in Munich. We are happy to support you in your search: with personal advice, our own housing exchange and tips for a successful apartment search. Here you will find all offers.
- You can find a part-time job or work after finishing your studies on our various job portals.
- TUM’s Career Service supports you in all phases of your career planning, for example with job application trainings, seminars for acquiring key qualifications or personal consulting for your career entry.
- Information on semester fees at TUM and advice on financing your studies can be found here.
- If you would like to apply for a scholarship, the scholarship office of the TUM Center for Study and Teaching is at your disposal at You can find an overview of various scholarships, including the application requirements and how to contact them, here.
- The Student Union offers a comprehensive range of information and advice on all topics relating to BAföG as well as student and educational loans.
- It is no coincidence that TUM calls itself “The Entrepreneurial University”: Take advantage of the wide range of support offers for founders.