You have to deal with health problems during your studies or would you like to do something preventively to maintain your physical and mental health? Do you have questions about barrier-free studies at TUM? Here you will find support.

- You can take a leave of absence from your studies for a certain period of time due to a medically certified illness. Here you find all information about the requirements and consequences of a leave of absence.
- If you are unable to attend an examination, you must submit a written request for withdrawal to the chairman of the examination board of your degree program and present a medical certificate. Here you can find all information.
- TUM wants to enable students with disabilities or chronic somatic illnesses to participate in their studies and student life on an equal and independent basis. The Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs supports and advises in all matters before and during your studies and with the various impairments, whether they are mental illnesses, chronic somatic illnesses, partial performance disorders or visual, hearing and movement impairments. You can reach it at handicap. @zv.tum.de
- The Advisory Service of the Munich Student Union also offers support to students with disabilities or chronic somatic illnesses.
- The student health management TUM4Health offers a wide range of information and services to keep fit – from check-ups and nutritional tips to shared exercise
- You can find assistance in strengthening mental health during your studies at TUM4Mind.
- The University Sports Center Munich offers a varied range of courses from almost all areas of sport.
Studying is a stage of life that demands a lot from students and can bring great stress.
- Do you need a sympathetic ear and someone you can confide in? The General Student Advising, Nightline München and the religious communities at TUM offer you opportunities to talk.
- Do you need support in preparing for your exams? TUM's Academic Coaching accompanies you during these stressful phases.
- The Student Union supports you if you need help solving problems – whether it's difficulties in your studies, relationship conflicts, mental illness, addiction or something else.
- Are you looking for crisis help with mental stress or illness? In addition to the Student Union there are various other organizations that can offer support. In acute cases, do not hesitate to contact an expert who can help you, clarify your individual situation with you and, if necessary, initiate further support measures.