Your Start at TUM

From the first-years’ event via preliminary courses and buddy programs to campus tours and game nights: At TUM, there are numerous opportunities to get to know your studies and the university and to network with your fellow students.

Discover your TUM!

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Support and Advice

TUM offers comprehensive support to prospective und current students in every individual situation. You can find an overview of all services under Support & Advice.

For all general questions about studying at TUM and university life, the General Student Advising is at your disposal.

Specific questions about your degree program, the organization of your studies or examinations will be answered by the Departmental Student Advising. You can find your respective contact person via the search field in the right margin column.

Getting to know TUM

Introductory events, campus and library tours – make yourself familiar with the university.

Organisational matters

Here you will find information on organisational matters before the start of your studies – from getting your Student Card to registering your place of residence.

Offers of the TUM Schools

Guidance during your studies, information about courses or exchange with fellow students – your TUM School will be happy to help you.


TUMonline, Moodle & Co – learn more about the digital tools for your studies.

Advisory Services

Whether it's student advising, help in finding accommodation or support for barrier-free education - here you find information and contacts.

Learning together

Not everyone likes to study alone at home. Here you will find offers to learn together with fellow students.

Student Advising and Information Services

+ 49 89 289 22245 

Please observe the e-mail etiquette.

Personal advising sessions with General Student Advising by appointment

Service Desk

Campus Munich
Arcisstraße 21, Room 0144
80333 München

Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only)
Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.