TUM: Agenda Lehre

TUM: Agenda Lehre is TUM's project to improve teaching and study conditions, funded by the German federal-state program Qualitätspakt Lehre ("Quality Pact for Teaching").

It fits into TUM's overall strategic concept for excellent teaching. It is based on four key areas of action: structures and processes, individualization, personnel development, and motivation systems. This strategic orientation of teaching and learning at TUM is being continuously developed and rolled out in the TUM: Agenda Lehre project.

In the second funding period, the measures from the first funding period are to be further developed with regard to current challenges. In particular, emphasis will be placed on taking into account the increasing internationalization of studies and teaching as a cross-cutting task:

  • Expansion of communication
  • Improvement of motivation systems for good teaching
  • Further development/flexibilization of the portfolio of degree programs offered by TUM
  • Optimization of degree program management
  • Optimization of the range of services
  • Improvement of the framework conditions for internationalization and mobility

The Four Areas of Action

Structures & Processes

Quality Management

A TUM-wide evaluation system ensures improvement in studying and teaching as well as transparency and documentation of procedures and results.

The portal feedback@tum offers every member of TUM a low-threshold opportunity to voice suggestions and complaints.

Organization of Studies

In all departments and schools, academic programs office directors ensure the implementation of Bologna-compliant processes in degree program management, evaluation, and degree program development.

The central examination management at all of TUM's locations ensures optimal coordination of examination dates.


Study Forms & Study Time Models

Innovative study forms and study time models enable students to flexibly and individually design their studies through modular studies.

Diverse orientation offers provide multi-layered and interdisciplinary impulses for choosing the "right" degree program.


Advice & Support

The conceptual development of a master's database enables an overview of all TUM-internal bachelor's and master's combination options and programs such as the mentoring program or TUM: Junge Akademie promote the guidance of prospective and first-year students by alumni or experienced students.

Intensity of Support

By filling W2 professorships, new young scientists were specifically promoted within the framework of the staged career system TUM Faculty Tenure Track.

This not only creates additional teaching capacity, but also space for new ideas for teaching concepts.



The expertise of international professors ensures insight into a different teaching culture and brings further perspectives to research-oriented teaching.

Personnel Development


Many course, training, and consultation opportunities in the social and psychological fields are available for the continuing education of academic advisors.

Research assistants teaching in English are offered one-to-one coaching, writing clinics, and group seminars.

Incentive and Motivation Schemes

Teaching Awards

The awarding of teaching prizes promotes innovative teaching, learning, examination and supervision formats, for the implementation of which resources are made available, thereby increasing the overall acceptance of achievements in teaching.

Commitment to teaching is honored regularly in a public setting.

Contact Quality Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Quality Management

Arcisstr. 19
80333 München
