TUM Board of Management

The TUM Board of Management oversees the running of our university. Its members are responsible for its policy objectives and dynamic development: entrepreneurial • transdisciplinary • inclusive.

TUM board of management

Executive Vice Presidency and Senior Executive Vice President

Senior Executive Vice President: Human Resources, Administration & Finance

Albert Berger
Curriculum Vitae

Office team

Research & Innovation

Prof. Dr.
Gerhard Kramer
Curriculum Vitae

TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation

Talent Management & Diversity

Prof. Dr.
Claudia Peus
Curriculum Vitae

LifeLong Learning
Staff Unit Diversity & Equal Opportunities

Digitalization and IT systems (CIO)

Alexander Braun
Curriculum Vitae

Information technology at TUM

Academic & Student Affairs

Gerhard Müller
Curriculum Vitae

TUM Center for Study and Teaching


International Alliances & Alumni

Prof. Dr.
Juliane Winkelmann
Curriculum Vitae

TUM Global & Alumni Office

Vice presidents

Controlling & Planning
Deputy Senior Executive Vice President

Jürgen Weichselbaumer
Curriculum Vitae

Hochschulreferat 1 – Controlling, organisation and planning

Sustainable Transformation

Prof. Dr.
Werner Lang
Curriculum Vitae

TUM Sustainability Office


Prof. Dr.
Helmut Schönenberger
Curriculum Vitae

TUM Entrepreneurship


Prof. Dr.
Angelika Görg
Curriculum Vitae

TUM Compliance Office

Global Communication & Public Engagement

Prof. Dr.
Jeanne Rubner
Curriculum Vitae

Corporate Communications Center

Presidential Office

Dr. Claudia Höfer-Weichselbaumer
Head, Presidential Office
Tel. +49 89 289 22200
Fax +49 89 289 23399

Office team

Senior Executive Vice President

Dr. Emanuel Schreiner
Executive Assistant to the Senior Executive Vice President
Tel. +49 89 289 22203
Fax +49 89 289 28300

Office team

Media Contact

Ulrich Meyer
Spokesperson of the President
Tel. +49 89 289 22779
pressespam prevention@tum.de

Corporate Communications Center

Editorial enquiries

If you wish your profile to be changed or updated please contact Tanja Munk.