TUM Extended Board of Management

The TUM Extended Board of Management is based on the principle of the kind of extended executive boards found in industry. It therefore brings together people in leadership roles on the operative level of the university.

Members of this board

TUM Board of Management

Members with voting rights

Board of Management


of the schools

Deans: overview

Gender Equality Officer for Women in Science and Arts

Dr. Daniela Schwarz

Gender Equality Officer

Chair, Deans of Studies

Prof. Dr. Pascal O. Berberat, TUM School of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Pascal O. Berberat

Graduate Dean

of the TUM Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz, as representative of the central scientific institutions

TUM Graduate School, Management Board

Rector, TUM Campus Straubing

Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber

TUM Campus Straubing

Permanent Guest

Prof. Dr. Michael Molls, Spokesperson of the TUM Emeriti of Excellence

TUM Senior Excellence Faculty


Its main role is of a strategic nature and includes the coordination of the aims of TUM’s schools and the preparation of structural plans and university statutes (e.g. doctoral degree requirements).

Presidential Office

Dr. Stefanie Rohrer

Tel. +49 89 289 22209
Fax +49 89 289 23399
rohrerspam prevention@zv.tum.de

All contact persons in the Presidential Office


Editorial enquiries

If you wish your profile to be changed or updated please contact Tanja Munk.