Study proves the positive effect of training during dialysis
Prevention prize for team led by Prof. Halle

Around 1000 patients in 21 German dialysis centers took part in the large-scale study. According to the researchers, training during dialysis should become standard practice.
The Hufeland Prize, endowed with 20,000 euros, is awarded annually and considered one of Germany's most important prevention prizes. The award was presented at a ceremony in Cologne. Halle is Professor of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine at TUM and also works at the TUM University Hospital.
- In addition to TUM, the DiaTT consortium partners were the University Hospital of Cologne, the University Hospital of Freiburg, the Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V., the Deutsche Gesellschaft Rehabilitationssport für chronisch Nierenkranke e.V., the Bundesverband Niere e.V. and the health insurance companies Techniker, AOK Plus and Barmer - Landesvertretung Sachsen.
- Website of the consortium
Technical University of Munich
Corporate Communications Center
- Ulrich Meyer
- presse
- Teamwebsite
Contacts to this article:
Prof. Dr. Martin Halle
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine
Tel: +49/ 89/289 24431