Sustainability and Resilience

The objective of our TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030 is to position our university as a driver of sustainable scientific, economic, ecological and social development.

The sustainable transformation of our society is a challenge we meet with both enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility. We pursue a comprehensive strategy because ecological limits, economic resilience and social justice are inextricably linked with one another. The goals we set are ambitious and take into account the complexity of sustainability as an issue, with all of its various mutual interactions. Here we focus on people: Sustainability lives on responsibility – and also through the day-to-day actions of our students, teaching staff, researchers and all employees.

Sustainability Strategy and report

With the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030, we have committed ourselves to holistic sustainable action and the common task of making TUM a more sustainable university. To this end, we have identified fields of action, prioritised key areas and defined concrete measures in a participatory process with the staff and students of our university. One component of the Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030 is Climate Action Management, which is developing an integrated climate action plan for the university.
Since 2024, we have been reporting on our progress in achieving our goals and implementing our measures in our TUM Sustainable Futures Report.

TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy   TUM Sustainable Futures Report

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Final report

TUM climate action plan

The integrated climate action plan is another milestone on the way to a more sustainable and climate-friendly university: It includes our climate protection activities to date as well as a detailed energy and greenhouse gas balance for all our main locations. On this basis, we want to use existing potential and fundamentally restructure our processes in research, teaching and campus management.

Climate action plan

Our Team

Werner Lang
Vice president sustainable transformation

Tel.: +49 89 289 23990

Veronica Becker
Sustainability manager

+49 162 2815031

Florian Dietrich
Sustainability manager

+49 162 2815805

Sina-Marie Rupp
Climate action manager

+49 89 289 22895

Jonathan Bauer
Climate action manager

+49 9421 187 148


TUM Sustainability Day 2024

Our second Sustainability Day took place on June 12 at the Garching campus. Visitors were treated to a varied program of keynote speeches, workshops and a sustainability fair with over 100 exhibitors.

More about the Event

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Current Sustainability News


Technical University of Munich

Sustainability Office
Arcisstr. 21
D- 80333 Munich

Tel. +49 89 289 22897