Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Transportation Systems
Im internationalen Masterstudiengang Transportation Systems lernen Studierende komplexe Verkehrssysteme und Verkehrsabläufe zu planen, zu bemessen und zu gestalten. Sie befassen sich dabei auch mit Konzepten der Nachhaltigkeit sowie mit Maßnahmen zur Lärm- und Schadstoffreduktion.
- Vollzeit
- 4 (Vollzeit)
Wintersemester: 01.01. – 31.05.
- Nur zum Wintersemester möglich
Infos zum Studium
The transportation system is a very important part of any modern economy and core element of daily human life. Our society and economy are challenged with new defiances like the concept of sustainability or the increasing demand for mobility. These new challenges also require new planning and management strategies in the area of transportation. There are experts needed who know how to design roads, traffic lights or how to create public transport networks etc. Besides, these professionals must be familiar with the concepts of transportation demand management, integrated land use and traffic management, freight logistic concepts and intermodal traffic management. Tasks like providing optimal transportation conditions for people and economy and enhancing the living quality of urban areas can only be met successfully in long term if the transportation system is considered as part of a complex system. Therefore, the interactions between transport, economy, land use, and the natural environment must be included into transportation planning strategies.
The unique Master’s Program in Transportation Systems at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with these challenges. Besides, the students can specialize in one of the following fields of study:
- Transportation Infrastructure
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- Transportation Demand Management
For a comprehensive description of the program, please refer to the degree program documentation:
As a graduate of the international Master’s program you possess the required knowledge and skills to deal with present and future challenges in the complex area of modern transportation. You know how to design and operate modern transportation systems and integrated intermodal transport management systems.
You are able to design railways and roads, simulate traffic, apply and design intelligent transport systems, as well as analyze transport data and statistics. Your skills allow you to advise municipalities in questions regarding transport planning strategies of today and anticipate future demand. You are capable of analyzing and evaluating the relevant economic, social and environmental aspects. Since the students of the master’s program come from all over the world, you are also experienced in working in multicultural teams.
As a graduate in Transportation Systems, you can start your career as a transport consultant or transport planner in different areas of the transportation sector. Possible areas of employment include governmental agencies, public transport authorities, urban and regional planning departments, as well as private or state owned transportation companies. You are also qualified to apply for positions in freight and logistics enterprises, the automotive sector or in infrastructure maintenance. Furthermore, you have the option to continue your research in scientific institutions and organizations worldwide.
The first three semesters are composed of seminars and lectures – combined with field trips and exercise courses that are based on real life studies. In addition, the Master’s program includes a project seminar that enables students to explore scientific questions and practical solutions in an experimental environment.
The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master’s thesis.
Required language skills for admission:
You need sufficient English language skills if you wish to apply for this program. Evidence of your language proficiency has to be submitted before the end of the application deadline. Learn more about recognized certificates and other ways to prove your English language skills.
This evidence of your language proficiency confirms that you comply with the minimum language requirements for admission to the program. Depending on the program and your individual background, it may be necessary for you to keep working on your language skills during your studies. Be sure to take a look at the services of our Language Center.
Language of instruction:
The language of instruction for this program is English.
Die Studiengebühren für internationale Studierende aus Drittstaaten betragen für diesen Studiengang 6.000 Euro je Semester.
Vielen internationalen Studierenden können die Gebühren erlassen werden oder sie können Stipendien zu ihrer Finanzierung erhalten. Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zu Erlassen und Stipendien.
Bitte beachten Sie: Der Semesterbeitrag als Beitrag zum Studierendenwerk muss zusätzlich bezahlt werden. Er unterscheidet sich nach dem jeweiligen Studienort. Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Semesterbeitrag.
Verbindliche Regelungen zu Studienablauf, Prüfungen und Bewerbung
Bewerbung und Zulassung
Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. a bachelor’s) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. Aptitude assessment allows the TUM school or department to which you are applying the opportunity to evaluate your individual talents and motivation for study.
During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents.
Generally, applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a Bachelor’s) obtained outside of Germany must have their documents reviewed in advance through uni-assist (Preliminary Documentation).
In detail:
- Bachelor-Zeugnis und Bachelor-Urkunde oder Fächer- und Notentranskript
- Transcript of Records
- Sprachnachweis Englisch
- Begründungsschreiben (Motivationsschreiben)
- Zusammenstellung selbstgefertigter Arbeiten
- Lückenloser und aktueller Lebenslauf
- Personalausweis oder Reisepass
- Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD) bei Bewerbung mit internationaler Masterzugangsberechtigung
We may require additional documents depending on your educational background and your country of origin. Complete the online application to receive a comprehensive list of the required documents.
- Antrag auf Einschreibung (unterschrieben)
- Bachelor-Zeugnis und Bachelor-Urkunde (authentisches Dokument)
- Transcript of Records (authentisches Dokument)
- Aktuelles Passbild
- Digitale Meldung des Versichertenstatus durch eine deutsche gesetzliche Krankenkasse (veranlasst durch Bewerberin/Bewerber)
We may require additional documents depending on the type of educational background you earned and your country of origin. After accepting an offer of admission in TUMonline, you will receive a list of documents you must submit to TUM in hardcopy for enrollment.
Application period for winter semester: 01.01. – 31.05.
Information about applying for a higher subject semester
During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents. Please be aware that we can only process your application if you upload all required documents within the application period.
We will review your application as soon as it is complete. Please check your TUMonline account regularly, to see if we have any queries to your documents or if you have to amend one or more documents.
After receiving admission, you will see in TUMonline which documents you have to submit for enrollment, and in which form.
We recommend that you submit the documents for enrollment as soon as possible after receiving admission. If individual documents are not available by then, you can submit them up to 5 weeks after the start of the lecture period. You will, however, only be enrolled once we have received all documents.
You can check the status of your application at any time in your TUMonline account.
Selection takes place through an aptitude assessment procedure. Aptitude assessment is a two-part procedure after the submission of an official application to a program. In this procedure, the TUM school or department determines whether you meet the specific requirements for its master’s degree program.
In the initial stages, the grades you obtained during your bachelor's program, as well as your written documents, will be evaluated using a point system. Depending on the amount of points accumulated, applicants are either immediately admitted, rejected or invited to an admissions interview.
Allgemeine Studienberatung & Studieninformation
Fragen rund um Bewerbung und Zulassung
+49 89 289 22245
Arcisstr. 21, Raum 0144
Allgemeine Studienberatung
Dipl.-Ing. Katja Schwering
+49 89 289 23946
Arcisstr. 21, Raum 0502.02.221, 80333 München