
Accessibility means comprehensive accessibility and usability for all people and thus includes both structural accessibility and disabled-friendly equipment of buildings as well as barrier-free access to communication, information and content.

Teaching and the Digital Space

Accessibility refers not only to structural accessibility, but also to barrier-free teaching and barrier-free access to information and communication. 

There are various things to consider when designing accessible teaching, learning and web offerings. In the following, you will find basic tips and advice on how to design materials and your teaching to be barrier-free/low-barrier. You find further information within the “Leitfaden zur Barrierefreiheit TUM Center for Study and Teaching” and “Digitale Barrierefreiheit: Barrierefreie Inhalte mit Typo3” (both in German language) under the category “Accessibility”.

Here you will find the declaration on the accessibility of the TUM website as well as contact options if you notice any deficiencies with regard to compliance with the accessibility requirements.

Structural Accessibility and Equipment


As a rule, new buildings or modernizations at TUM meet the statutory requirements with regard to barrier-free accessibility. In older or rented buildings, there is not necessarily barrier-free access. If you come across non-barrier-free access, please contact us via the contact adress for Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs.

The Wheelmap app can help you find barrier-free access points all over the world. It also shows you barrier-free access points at TUM. You can also search for specific places and facilities to inform yourself about the accessibility beforehand. 


If you have a course in a room that is difficult to reach, you can arrange to have it relocated with the person responsible. In case you need a certain place in the room, speak to the lecturer about it or let them know if you need to take breaks.

Please note as a general rule: the earlier you contact the person responsible, the easier it is to make adjustments!

Recovery rooms

At City Campus, Campus Garching, Campus Freising/Weihenstephan and Campus Straubing recovery rooms are provided for students with disabilities or chronic diseases at the StudiTUM - Houses of Students. The recovery rooms can be used to learn and recover while being at the campus. Campus Ottobrunn is already in planning, for individual solutions please contact Mr. Brunner.

Please note the following rules:

You can be registered to reserve the rooms via TUMonline before visiting the campus. Please write an e-mail to the Student Council, svspam, with a brief explanation if possible.

If furnitures or equipment is damaged or missing or if you want to give a feedback please write an e-mail to the Student Council, svspam, or the Student Advising for Studying with Special Needs.

electrically height-adjustable couch, StudiTUM house Garching, recovery room
electrically height-adjustable table with stool, StudiTUM house Weihenstephan, recovery room

Induction loops and FM systems

The following rooms and lecture are equipped with induction loops or FM systems.

The StudiTUM houses are equipped with elevators to each floor.

An audio induction loop system is installed in the following rooms of the StudiTUM Haus Garching:

  • 0.002 on the ground floor (large seminar room)
  • 1.113
  • 2.113
  • 3.302


University Library

On the library´s website you will find information regarding the accessible services for people with disabilities at the several university library´s locations.

Auxiliary Means

All students have individual needs depending on the situation and impairment. This can include orientation aids, induction loops or ramps. If you need any resources, please contact us! The Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students has a material budget to promote accessibility at TUM. Affected students or the respective contact persons at the departments and schools can submit an application for funding to the Office.

Please also note the information on financial support.

Information on accessible and barrier-free toilets

You can use the TUM NavigaTUM Room Finder to find your way around the TUM. There you can select various locations and buildings the locations and display the rooms according to use.

To find the location of accessible and barrier-free restrooms you can use NavigaTUM as well. All accessible and barrier-free toilets are listed in the category "WC Barrier-free".

You can also use the documents linked here. In the documents, accessible and barrier-free toilets are sorted by location and street and the room number is linked.

Information about the Accessibility in the Munich Student Union`s canteens can be found here.

Contact: Studying with Special Needs

TUM Center for Study and Teaching – 
Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Mr. Alain M.G. Kathola
Mrs. Verena Weltz-Huber

We advise in person, by phone or virtually.

To arrange an appointment please contact us at

Student Advising and Information Services

 +49 89 289 22245

Please observe the e-mail etiquette.

Personal advising sessions with General Student Advising by appointment

Service Desk

 Campus Munich, Arcisstraße 21, Room 0144, 80333 München

Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only)
Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.