Economic Support
If you have a disability or chronic illness, there are often a number of questions about the organization of your studies and exams, about additional needs and costs for living or studying. Questions may also arise if, due to your disability or chronic illness, you are unable to work or can only do little work, interrupt your studies, study longer or start later. You are welcome to address these questions to us or to other offices. It is always very helpful to talk and inquire about questions and thoughts!
Auxiliary Aids
All students hvae individual needs depending on the situation and impairment. This can include orientation aids, induction loops or ramps. If you need any resources that are not covered by your health insurance or other institutions, please contact us! The Student Advising for Studying with Special Needs has a limited material budget to promote accessibility at TUM. Affected students or the respective contact persons at the departments can submit an application for funding to the service point. However, we cannot guarantee that your application for material resources will be approved.
Important: Please make sure to attach a cost estimate for the requested materials!
Material resources applied for should not only promote accessibility, but should also be considered as compensation for disadvantages. Eligible persons submit the application to the TUM Center for Study and Teaching (TUM CST), Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs and, if all necessary documents are available, usually you will receive feedback after 4 weeks at the latest.
- Download: Application form (PDF, 192 KB)
If the application is approved, a contract will be concluded between the TUM CST and the person concerned so that the material resources are made available to the applicant. After completion of the study program, this material resource must be returned to the TUM CST.
A negative decision about the application can be made, for example
- if the budget has been used up,
- if the costs of the requested material aid can be covered by the health insurance, the pension office or other institutions and therefore the TUM CST department is not responsible for the approval.
Please enclose three comparative offers for the desired measure or material resource with the application.
- Downoad: Application process (German) (PDF, 84 KB)
Send the application with the relevant documents to the Advice Center: Studying with Special Needs: Handicap
More information can be found on the website “Accessibility”.
External contact points
Severely disabled and chronically ill students, like their fellow students, can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium. This includes, among other things, the promotion of accessibility at TUM.
Various scholarships support students and doctoral candidates in different life and study situations. Get advice from TUM or the Student Union.
With BAföG, disabilities and chronic illnesses are taken into account in various ways. For this reason, there are various exceptions to the financing of studies, e.g. with regard to the duration of the studies or a possibly necessary change of subject. In addition, there may be a claim to additional needs according to SGB II and SGB XII (Sozialgesetzbuch – Social Security Code), so you can get advice from the Munich Student Union.
The department Student Accommodation of the Munich Student Union offers special accommodation designed to meet the needs of disabled students in many of its halls of residence. But also in our halls of residence that are not yet suitably equipped, we always try and find helpful, individual solutions - such as installing a ramp for wheelchairs.
TUM does not provide those accomodations, please get in touch with the Munich Student Union!
- The district of Upper Bavaria covers additional costs that arise when attending a university due to the disability with the university aids for students with disabilities who live in Upper Bavaria. This includes costs for learning materials and study helpers, lecturers and travel expenses.
- Students in financial distress can contact Studentenhilfe München e.V. Disabilities or chronic illnesses are given special consideration.
- The portal offers a search engine for the targeted search for funding opportunities.