Music and Arts
The achievements of our scientists are great works of art, indeed – inspirational, creative and highly skilled craftsmanship. And keen musicians can join one of Munich’s numerous academic choirs, orchestras and bands.

TUM Center for Culture and Arts
We are creating a diverse cultural program for the university community – to discover hidden talents, broaden horizons, and to gain inspiration for new ways of thinking and working.

Architecture Museum
The Architecture Museum in the Pinakothek der Moderne is one of the best of its kind in the world. It is both an archive and an exhibition, combining collection, teaching and research.

Uni film club
Blockbusters, small film gems and great classics: The university film club "der TU film" turns the historic Carl von Linde lecture hall into a cinema almost during term time, and runs the open air cinema at the GARNIX festival.
Konzerte in der Philharmonie
Matinee and Vivat TUM
A passion for music unites the community of our university. Students, alumni, staff members, donors and friends of all ages traditionally come together for the advent concerts.
Cultural initiatives for students and employees
Creative together
- Abaco – Symphonieorchester der Universität München
- Accento Orchester München
- Akademischer Gesangsverein München (AGV)
- Akademischer Orchesterverband München (Universitäts-Orchester)
- Garchinger Sinfonieorchester
- Kammerorchester der TUM
- Junge Münchner Symphoniker e.V.
- MünchenKlang
- Münchner internationales Orchester (MiO)
- Münchner Schulmusik Orchester (MSO)
- Patentorchester München
- Philharmonie Weihenstephan
- Sinfonietta – Sinfonieorchester der Münchener Universitäten
- Symphonisches Ensemble München (SEM)
- Sinfonisches Orchester München-Andechs
- StOrch – Das Münchner Studentenorchester
- Toneo München
- Weihenstephaner Musikwerkstatt (WMW: Chor, Universitätsorchester, Bigband)
- Akademischer Gesangsverein München (AGV)
- Camerata Vocale München
- Campus-Chor Garching (CCG)
- MünchenKlang
- MiCapella – Münchner Internationaler Chor
- Palestrina Ensemble München
- Romanistik-Chor München
- TUM-Chor – Die Stimmen der TUM
- Universitätschor München
- Vokal Ensemble München
- vox nova
- Weihenstephaner Musikwerkstatt (WMW: Chor, Universitätsorchester, Bigband)
- AcTUM – Drama im Vier(t)akter [four-stroke drama]: A diverse troupe of TUM students, doctoral candidates and staff members who stage plays
- Fusian Dance Crew: Students learn different hip-hop dance styles in the Fusian Dance Crew, develop choreographies together and perform them at events.
- TUMart Club (E-mail contact): Drawing or painting together (without prior knowledge)
- TUM Bookclub: At their meetings, members of the TUM Book Club discuss selected readings from various genres.
- TUM Kulturklub: A platform that brings students together to enjoy culture together