Open House Campus Garching October 3

Discover and try things out: We have invited you to experience research up close for a whole day.

Aerial view of the Garching research campus in 2021.

At the Garching research campus, visitors were invited to experience science in lectures, hands-on activities, guided tours and much more. Whether young or old, there were numerous activities for every one on this day: students, staff and external guests. In addition to TUM, many other research institutions such as the Max Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes took part in the day of action.

At a glance

Address and directions

  • Underground: Garching-Forschungszentrum
  • Bus: Ludwig-Prandtl-Str.; Boltzmannstr.; Garching-Forschungszentrum; Technische Universität; MVV timetable information
  • Car: A9, exit Garching-Nord

Program highlights

Program overview (in German)

Participating institutes

Around 25 research institutions took part in the open house. Here you can see a selection of our university’s participating institutes.


Do you have questions? Contact our organisation team:

Further information

You can get an overview of the campus and the action day program on the Garching research campus website (in Geman).

"Open Day" lettering with graphic elements on a dark blue background

Germany-wide action day on October 3

Open House with the Mouse 2024

We also took part in the nationwide "Doors open with the Mouse" campaign day: some of our open house programs took place as part of the Mouse Door Opener Day.

More on the WDR action day

Further events on the topic of research

31 Jan 2025

Lectures for children

KinderUni: Working together for a better environment

  • Friday, 1/31/2025
  • 17:00 - 18:00 o'clock

Event location
Munich main campus

Public event

Target audience

Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs

Climate chance affects people all over our planet. Miranda Schreurs is a professor for Environmental and Climate Policy at the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, and researches how countries all over the world can work together to combat climate change.

Working together for a better environment: How can all countries join efforts to protect our climate?

The climate is changing not only in Germany, but everywhere on our planet. Some countries are already feeling the effects more than others. To stop the climate crisis, the whole world and all nations must work together. That's almost 200 countries - how can that work?It's hard to reach an agreement with just ten people! Professor Miranda Schreurs tells us about the ideas that exist around the world to combat climate change. She talks about people who have persuaded governments to do more to protect the climate. And how it sometimes works to get everyone to pull in the same direction.

Curious? Register now, participation is free.

Register here: Starting 1 Oct

What is the KinderUni?

The Munich KinderUni offers exciting lectures and events for children between the ages of 7 and 12 at a different Munich university every semester. There, professors talk about what they are researching and what they know particularly well. In winter semester 24/25, the KinderUni will once again be a guest at TUM.

The events usually last about an hour. Please be there about 15 minutes before the start of the event. Then you can secure an entry in your student handbook before the start of the lecture.

How to find us
Event overview