
The high-tech campus north of Munich is TUM's largest location and one of the most modern research and training facilities in Europe.

Panorama-Luftaufnahme des Garchinger-Forschungscampus von Norden mit Blick Richtung Alpen

University and research campus

The Garching campus is home to world-class research and teaching in the natural sciences and engineering. Our schools and research centers are located in close proximity to world-renowned research institutions, technology start-ups and industrial companies. A unique hub of scientific expertise that benefits students, researchers, and start-up companies alike: for education, for collaboration in cutting-edge research or for technological innovation. The campus is key to Munich's high-tech ecosystem.

Today's district of the university town of Garching in northern Munich began in 1957 with the commissioning of the first research reactor, the Garching "Atomic Egg". Other institutes, departments, and companies followed, and in 2006 the U6 underground line connected the campus to downtown Munich. The campus is also easily accessible from the highway and Munich Airport. In the future, it will continue to develop into a vibrant "science city".

Schools and departments

Außenansicht des Maschinenwesen-Gebäudes der TUM School of Engineering and Design am Campus Garching-Forschungszentrum

TUM School of

Engineering and Design

In the distinctive mechanical engineering building, various departments conduct research and teach in an interdisciplinary exchange.

ED: Location overview
Parabelrutschen in der Magistrale des Mathematik-Informatik-Gebäudes der TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) am Campus Garching-Forschungszentrum

TUM School of

Computation, Information and Technology

Digital transformation expertise is housed in the mathematics and informatics complex, with its parabolic slide, and the new electrical and computer engineering building.

CIT: Location overview
Students in front of the TUM physics department

TUM School of

Natural Sciences

The natural sciences of physics and chemistry, complemented by the biosciences, form the historical core of the Garching research campus.

NAT: Directions to the school

Clusters of Excellence

Strong teamwork: Together with our partners, we conduct research in powerful research alliances, the Clusters of Excellence. We use laboratories and facilities from TUM, the Max Planck Institutes and LMU Munich here on campus.

Cluster overview

Entrepreneurship Center

Research, practice and teaching for the successful founding of technology companies united under one roof.

University Library

The branch libraries for chemistry, mechanical engineering, mathematics and informatics, and physics are located directly in the department buildings on campus.

Branch libraries

Technology Core Facilities

Providing researchers from all schools and institutions with an excellent infrastructure of scientific equipment and expertise in high-performance technologies.

All facilities

StudiTUM House

Find a place to learn and relax, to meet spontaneously, to engage in cultural activities, interdisciplinary projects, and more.

StudiTUM Houses

Graduate School

Supporting and providing structured training for our doctoral candidates, and assisting supervisors and units involved in the doctoral process.


Plant fire department

The fire station in the south of the campus with around 70 full-time emergency staff organizes fire protection and rescue services on the research campus.

TUM fire department

Vocational training center

Contact point for applications and all questions about apprenticeships in over 20 non-academic professions at TUM.


Further services

At all locations, professional teams from administration, science management and technology support research and teaching at TUM.

Administration and service facilities
Eine Drohnen-Aufnahme zeigt das Maschinenwesen-Gebäude der TUM School of Engineering and Design am Campus Garching-Forschungszentrum von oben. ProLehre Medienprodutkion

Garching research campus

Address and directions

Boltzmannstraße 15 (Campus center)
85748 Garching

Underground: Garching-Forschungszentrum
Bus: Ludwig-Prandtl-Str.; Boltzmannstr.; Garching-Forschungszentrum; Technische Universität
MVV timetable information

Campus life

Students playing basketball on the court in the middle of the campus Garching Andreas Heddergott
A basketball court and other sports facilities: located in the center of the campus, with showers and changing rooms

Partners on campus

We cooperate with internationally renowned research institutions directly on campus in various cutting edge research projects, and jointly benefit from an excellent technical infrastructure.


From start-ups to global corporations, numerous companies have chosen to locate on campus with whom we collaborate in research and education. As part of our "Industry on Campus" strategy, we cooperate strategically with leading high-tech companies on a long-term basis. This involves the creation of dedicated research buildings that enable students and researchers to work hand in hand with experts from industry.

Industry cooperations Industry on Campus: New SAP research center


Business-Campus Hochbrück

Individual offices and lecture halls of the Garching schools and facilities are also located in the Garching-Hochbrück district, two underground stations away from the research campus.

Parkring 11-13 and 35-37
85748 Garching-Hochbrück
Room finder and site plan on NavigaTUM

Underground: Garching-Hochbrück
Bus: Parkring Süd; Parkring West
MVV timetable information

Explore the campus

Virtual and guided campus tours for individuals and groups.

Campus tours

Video tour

Video series of the Math, Physics, Informatics and Chemistry (MPIC) Student Council.

Youtube playlist

History of the campus

“Zukunftscampus Garching”: Brochure on the development since 1957 (in German).

Download (mediaTUM)

City of Garching

Homepage of the university city of Garching in the north of Munich.

Garching bei München

Latest news
