Study and Teaching

An education on the cutting edge of research, an innovative teaching culture at eye level, a range of subjects unique in Europe, our international network – and our students' commitment to university and society.

Reading time: 1 Min.

121 sponsors support 906 students at TUM

Outstanding commitment to the Deutschlandstipendium

President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann has appealed for donations for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at TUM: "There are only a few moments in life when we have the opportunity to shape our present and future. The Deutschlandstipendium, which provides financial support to particularly talented and committed students, is such an opportunity." This winter semester, 906 students are benefiting from it. The money comes from 121 sponsors and is doubled by the federal government.

President Studies Campus news
Researchers in a lab of the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Reading time: 1 Min.

Times Higher Education Rankings

TUM in the top 25 in three subject areas

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the world's top 25 universities in computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering. This is the result of the latest subject rankings published by the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE).

TUM in Rankings Studies Research Community
Reading time: 1 Min.

FISU World University Games

Eight students compete at Winter Games in Turin

Eight TUM students are competing at the FISU World University Games in Turin, which opened on Monday. The Winter Games under the motto "Land of Sport" run until January 23.

Studies Community
Portrait von Prof. Philipp Reiss neben einem Raketenmodell
Reading time: 4 Min.

Resources on the Moon: an interview with Prof. Philipp Reiss

"Oxygen and water production on the Moon in the next 10 years"

The Moon has always fascinated mankind - and science too. Numerous space agencies are planning new exploration missions. NASA is launching a rocket tomorrow (15.01.2025) with lunar landers as part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. Philipp Reiss, Professor of Lunar and Planetary Exploration at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), explains why, more than 50 years after the last manned mission to the Moon, our Earth satellite has once again become the focus of space research.

Teaching Studies Research Campus news Public Engagement
Reading time: 4 Min.

NewIn: Orestis Papakyriakopoulos

The way to fair digital technologies

As Professor of Societal Computing, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos studies how algorithms and AI models can be made less discriminatory. In this issue of NewIn, he talks about why his work has to move quickly, why he is optimistic that digital technologies will become more inclusive and what role the TUM Think Tank will play.

Studies Research Sustainability Artificial Intelligence Community
Standing from left Prof. Juliane Winkelmann (TUM), DAAD prizewinner Maria Elisa Magnoni, showing the award certificate, and Dr. Stephan Geifes (DAAD).
Reading time: 2 Min.

TUM student Maria Elisa Magnoni receives the DAAD Prize

“A role model for internationality”

The DAAD Prize is awarded annually to international students who not only achieve outstanding academic results but also show a high level of voluntary commitment. The awardee of 2024 is Maria Elisa Magnoni. The Brazilian is passionate about sustainability and environmental protection. That’s why she came to Germany four years ago to study environmental engineering at TUM. And that has something to do with Angela Merkel.

Studies Sustainability Community
Reading time: 5 Min.

Where community grows and careers take off

40 years of the Summer Academy “Ferienakademie” in Sarntal Valley

The Sarntal Valley in South Tyrol is not one of those vibrant vacation regions in the Alps. Here, north of Bolzano, small villages and hamlets are strung out over several kilometers, wedged in on the left and right by high mountain ranges. A secluded place whose importance for science and the lives of young people from all over the world cannot be guessed at when driving through. But for 40 years now, the Sarntal has been attracting particularly promising students to spend twelve days here during the summer vacation, which is free of lectures and exams.

Teaching Studies Research Campus news Community
Reading time: 2 Min.

NewIn: Anne Rademacher

Sustainability requires social equity

In this episode of "NewIn", we get to know Anne Rademacher. At the newly created Chair of Sustainable Urban Environments, she researches the interactions between socio-cultural dynamics and sustainable urban development.

TUM Magazine Teaching Studies Research Sustainability Community
A group of six people, including three adult women, two female pupils and one male pupil, on stage at the MINT21 Digital Award ceremony at the Staatliche Realschule in Herrsching. The pupil stands in the middle and speaks into a hand-held microphone.
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM partner school honored with the MINT21 Digital Award

Girls stem STEM

The Technical University of Munich – that’s top positions in international rankings, millions in acquired third-party funding, research at the highest level. But what’s maybe even more important: TUM is a place that enables young people to develop their talents, without which such achievements would be impossible. That doesn’t only start at university: As part of the “TUM Entdeckerinnen” program, TUM cooperates with schools throughout Bavaria to get girls interested in STEM subjects. One of its partner schools, the Realschule Trostberg, has just been honored with the MINT21 Digital Award.

Studies Campus news Community Public Engagement
Reading time: 1 Min.

Podcast "We Are TUM"

Mental health in the workplace

The new episode of our podcast "We Are TUM" focuses on the important topic of mental health. We talk to one of the organisers of the Mental Health Day at TUM, Kristin Knipfer, who also introduces us to other offers at our university. David Ebert, Professor of Psychology and Digital Mental Health Care, talks about current research. Johanna Schmickler, researcher at the Department of Didactics in Sport and Health, and student Alexa Schneider present a project on sleep hygiene.

Teaching Studies Research Community
Technical University of Munich

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
+49 89 289 22245

Editors: Study and Teaching – Communications


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