WirtschaftsWoche research ranking
Number 1 in Germany for business administration

For the ranking of the WirtschaftsWoche magazine, ETH Zurich evaluates the number of publications from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in around 860 scientific journals over the past five years. In the lifetime achievement category, the researcher’s complete publication histories were counted. As not every journal is of the same importance, the articles are weighted according to the journal's reputation.
TUM is once again in the top position among German universities. In the overall ranking, it is ranked second after the University of St. Gallen.
Nine TUM researchers are ranked among the current top 100:
- Helmut Krcmar, Professor em. for Computer Science in Economics: rank 6
- Stefan Minner, Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management: rank 9
- Martin Bichler, Professor for Decision Sciences & Systems: rank 19
- Jens Förderer, Professor for Innovation and Digitalization: rank 27
- Maximilian Schiffer, Professor for Operations and Supply Chain Management: rank 30
- Paul Momtaz, Professor for Entrepreneurial Finance: rank 36
- Alexander Hübner, Professor for Supply and Value Chain Management: rank 47
- Ali Sunyaev, Professor for Information Infrastructures: rank 54
- Holger Patzelt, Professor for Entrepreneurship: rank 61
Three professors are included among the top researchers under the age of 40:
- Jens Förderer, Professor for Innovation and Digitalization: rank 11
- Maximilian Schiffer, Professor for Operations and Supply Chain Management: rank 13
- Paul Momtaz, Professor for Entrepreneurial Finance: rank 22
TUM has ten representatives in the lifetime achievement category:
- Helmut Krcmar, Professor em. for Computer Science in Economics: rank 4
- Stefan Minner, Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management: rank 8
- Martin Bichler, Professor for Decision Sciences & Systems: rank 26
- Rainer Kolisch, Professor for Operations Management: rank 40
- Holger Patzelt, Professor for Entrepreneurship: rank 55
- Ali Sunyaev, Professor for Information Infrastructures: rank 88
- Gudrun Kiesmüller, Professor for Operations Management: rank 113
- Joachim Henkel, Professor for Technology and Innovation Management: rank 126
- Martin Grunow, Professor for Production and Supply Chain Management: rank 189
- Alexander Hübner, Professor for Supply and Value Chain Management: rank 194
Focus on management and technology
The WirtschaftsWoche names several reasons for the success of the TUM School of Management with its focus on the interface between management and technology. Business administration research is consistently interdisciplinary. This is demonstrated not least by the TUM Campus Heilbronn, where management and computer science professorships work together on digital transformation. The school is also a pioneer in the use of artificial intelligence in business administration research and thus gaining new insights, for example in the optimization of logistics networks. The magazine particularly highlights the close collaboration with companies based on campus, such as the school's joint research with SAP. The TUM Faculty Tenure Track appointment and career system also contributes to the success with its strict performance orientation.
TUM is also successful in teaching management with its profile. In the CHE University Rankings, it regularly receives very good ratings from its students for the range of courses and the study conditions.
- WirtschaftsWoche ranking part 1: universities (subscriber-only access)
- WirtschaftsWoche ranking part 2: researchers (subscriber-only access)
- TUM School of Management
- TUM Campus Heilbronn
- TUM in rankings
Technical University of Munich
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