Robotics in nursing care
More transparency in the human-robot interaction

Researchers are constantly testing new capabilities of the GARMI nursing care robot. But which ethical, legal and technical requirements should be established to help build trust in the use of robots in nursing care? This question was the focal point of the research project Responsible Robotics supported by the Bavarian Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). With technical sociologist Ruth Müller, medical ethicist Alena Buyx and robotics researcher Sami Haddadin of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), and legal expert Iris Eisenberger of the University of Graz, the project brought together professors from various fields.
Care is less tech-averse than expected
“We want to give tangible form to the societal dimension of technology,” says Ruth Müller, a professor of science and technology policy. “The important thing is to identify potential effects of innovative technologies during the development process.” In the context of ‘Robotics in care’, robots can provide support with everyday work. However, their use can also fundamentally change important nursing care routines. That is why it is essential to integrate the perspectives of those providing care into the development process. “The goal is for robots to support nursing staff in their work and expertise – not to replace them,” says Prof. Müller, who sees robotics as a flexible technology, the social consequences of which “will depend on many decisions and the weighting of values during the development process.”
In workshops and a project week with students, the researchers identified various perspectives on the topic. The needs of those receiving and providing nursing care and the desire for innovative technologies were discussed. “The nursing care perspective is much less averse to technology than is sometimes assumed,” says innovation researcher Svenja Breuer from the Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS) of the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. On the contrary, students of nursing care tend to see robots as an opportunity to automate processes and hand over burdensome documentation tasks. Nursing care researchers also critically assess whether robotics applications will truly improve the lives of elderly people and others needing nursing care.
Transparency for all concerned
A technology that has emerged from this interdisciplinary approach is the data recorder for the GARMI nursing care robot from the Geriatronics Research Center of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI). The recorder logs and virtualizes the entire care process: “We record all interactions with the robot to understand exactly what happened in case of an accident. This documentation is enormously important, especially with the vulnerable demographics such as the elderly and persons with physical and intellectual disabilities that we deal with,” says STS team member Maximilian Braun. The principle: With the aid of the data recorder, all procedures and interactions, for example in a rehabilitation treatment session, are processed and made visible – in a virtual and anonymized form. “This enables us to understand why something went wrong,” says Svenja Breuer. Especially important for the development of the recorder, she adds, are not only the engineering, social sciences and legal experts, but above all the involvement of those who will later be interacting with the robots.
Jon Skerlj, Maximilian Braun, Sophia Witz, Svenja Breuer, Marieke Bak, Sebastian Scholz, Abdeldjallil Naceri, Ruth Muller, Sami Haddadin, Iris Eisenberger; Data Recording for Responsible Robotics; 2023;
Svenja Breuer, Maximilian Braun, Daniel Tigard, Alena Buyx, Ruth Müller; How Engineers’ Imaginaries of Healthcare Shape Design and User Engagement: A Case Study of a Robotics Initiative for Geriatric Healthcare AI Applications; 2023;
Scientist Dr. Daniel Tiger of the chair of ethics in medicine and health technologies of TUM explains the project „Responsible Robotics“:
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Contacts to this article:
Ruth Müller
Professor of Science and Technology Poicy
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Sami Haddadin
Professor and Executive Director of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI)
Technical University of Munich (TUM)