Long Night of Science at the Garching research campus
Visit the world of science

Opening of the Night of Science at 5.30 p.m. at the GARNIX-Festival wiht TUM-President Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Garching's Mayor, Dr. Dietmar Gruchmann! Start of the exhibitions and presentations at 6.00 p.m..
During the day over 20,000 people work and study at the Garching campus. They work on solutions to problems that may provide long-term improvements to our lives in the future. Over 30 facilities will open their doors to the public during the "Long Night of Science" on June 27th 2015 from 6 p.m. until midnight with an invitation to visitors to experience research first hand.
You can download the complete program here! (pdf, 3 MB, German)
The range of topics of the long night extends from microscopically tiny nanotechnology structures to the largest objects in the universe that astrophysicists at the campus investigate. From experiments at temperatures near absolute zero to millions of degrees hot plasmas generated by the fusion researchers.
Scientists will present their projects while interesting presentations and tours showcase the latest state of research. Hands-on experiments invite visitors to slip into the role of researchers. No matter whether astronomy, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, mechanical engineering, mathematics or physics, there are things to discover at every turn during the long night: things or processes that might simplify our everyday lives just a few years from now, or just exciting new insight into the world around us. And following all the "brain jogging" athletically inclined visitors can compete in races down the curves of the parallel slides.
New this year are the MakerSpace by UnternehmerTUM and the Chair for Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry in the building of the Radiochemistry Munich of. A further newcomer to the long night is the BIOTechnikum by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Bavarian State Construction Office is showcasing its master plan for the future development of the research campus. Live music will be provided between the campus cafeteria and the chemistry department on the stage of the GARNIX music festival, which was extended specifically by a day for the long night.
Following the great interest of the past years, this year the Munich Clusters of Excellence present themselves with their "Science Lounge" in the Faculty Club on the fourth floor of the Institute for Advanced Study. The TUM graduate schools as well as the protestant and catholic university student communities present their programs in the Excellence Center.
Culinary highlights: Food and drinks will be provided on campus at the cantineria "Herr Lichtenberg", the kitchen of the GARNIX Festival, the campus bar C2, StuCafé of the Student Union Munich’s cafeteria, "Crazy Bean" in the Institute for Advanced Study, the takeaways in front of the IMETUM, the IPP restaurant and cafeteria, the cafeterias of ESO and MPQ as well as the cafeterias of the various faculties.
How to find us: The research campus is best reached from Munich using the subway line U 6 (final stop, "Garching Forschungszentrum"). By car the research campus can be reached via the A 9 Motorway, exit "Garching Nord". Parking lots are available between the research premises and state highway B 11.
Further information on the internet (this site includes a list of the participating facilities with links to the individual program activities).
Special conditions for visiting the Research Neutron Source: Visitors must be at least 18 years of age and must present a valid personal identity card or passport. Registration is possible on the day of the event at the Department of Physics. Early registration is recommended as the capacity for tours is limited.
Technische Universität München
Corporate Communications Center
Campus Garching
Boltzmannstr. 17, 85748 Garching
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