Ars legendi Awards

Each year, the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft grants the Ars legendi Award for excellent academic teaching at the suggestion of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), as well as the Ars legendi Departmental Awards, which take up the approach and perpetuate the award in individual disciplines.

Ars legendi Award for Excellent Academic Teaching

The award is intended to highlight the special importance of academic teaching for the education of young academics. The award is intended to create a career-enhancing incentive to become involved in university teaching and to promote it beyond one's own sphere of influence. Until 2012, the award was presented in annually changing disciplines or subject groups. Since 2013, the concept has been realigned: Instead of a discipline or subject group, a specific teaching situation now forms the focus of the call for entries. The award is endowed with 30,000 euros.

The Ars legendi Award is one of the core elements in the Stifterverband's programmatic focus on raising the status of academic teaching. In addition, the quality of teaching is to be established as a central quality criterion for universities and profiled as a strategic goal of university quality management.

The current calls for entries for the Ars legendi Teaching Award can be found on the Stifterverband’s website.

Ars legendi Departmental Awards

Ars legendi departmental awards are awarded in four disciplines:

  • Medicine: The first of these was the introduction in 2010 of an award for excellent teaching in university medicine. This is an award jointly presented by the Stifterverband and the Medizinischer Fakultätentag of the Federal Republic of Germany, which is endowed with 30,000 euros and awarded annually.
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences: In 2013, the Stifterverband, the German Mathematical Society, the German Physical Society, the German Chemical Society and the Association for Biology, Biosciences & Biomedicine in Germany offered an award for excellent university teaching in mathematics and the natural sciences for the first time. It is endowed with a total of 20,000 euros and is awarded annually in four categories: life sciences, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
  • Sports Sciences: The Stifterverband and the Departments' Association for Sports Science, in cooperation with the German Association for Sports Science, are offering the Ars legendi department award for excellent university teaching in sports science for the first time in 2017. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros.
  • Engineering and Computer Science: Since 2019, the department award for engineering and computer science has been awarded every two years by the Stifterverband in cooperation with the Konferenz der Fachbereichstage (KFBT) The prize is endowed with 15,000 euros.

Further information on the individual faculty awards and the respective calls for entries can be found on the Stifterverband’s website.

TUM's Awardees

Contact Teaching Awards

Coordination Teaching Awards

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Anne Hüttenrauch
Tel.: +49 89 289 22817

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
Tel.: +49 89 289 25364
Fax: +49 89 289 25209