Grade Conversion using the Bavarian Formula
This grade conversion formula, together with your degree program’s Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO), is a tool to help your convert grades earned in countries other than Germany. Please note that this tool is only intended to provide a first orientation and the results are in no way binding.
Converted grades are calculated using the “modified Bavarian formula”, as stipulated by the resolution of the Kultusministerkonferenz (German PDF, 0,1MB)
Grade Conversion Tool
Enter the maximum grade, the minimum passing grade, and your current overall grade in the grading system of your university. The result is the equivalent to your grade in the German grading system, where 1.0 is the maximum grade and 4.0 the minimum passing grade.
Please note: Internationally, grading systems used at institutions of higher educations may differ substantially. The result given here is non-binding, as this grade converter can only provide a general first estimation.
If the grading system of your university uses letter grades, you can assign a number to each letter grade.
To give an example:
Your grading system is A+, A, B, C, D and E (Fail). A+ is the highest possible grade, and the lowest grade to pass a course is D. So if you assign numerical values in ascending order starting with 1, the input for the grade conversion is as follows:
- A+ equals 1
- A equals 2
- B equals 3
- C equals 4
- D equals 5
- E equals 6
In the conversion tool, you enter 1 as maximum grade (corresponding to A+), and 5 as minimum passing grade (corresponding to D). The value for current overall grade is the numerical value corresponding to your current overall letter grade. The tool will then calculate your grade in the German grading system.
At TUM, grades from 1 to 5 are assigned. For a differentiated assessment of the examination performances, the grades can be increased or decreased by 0.3 to intermediate values; the grades 0.7 and 5.3 are excluded.
The grades represent the following assessments of the examination performances:
- 1.0–1.5 “very good”: excellent performance
- 1.6–2.5 “good”: performance well above average
- 2.6–3,5 “satisfactory”: average performance
- 3.6–4.0 “sufficient”: performance meets the standards in spite of deficiencies
- from 4.1 “fail”: performance does not meet the standards because of substantial deficiencies