Lecture and lab tour
MQV insights: How quantum computers are changing our world
Event location
Public event
Target audience
How could quantum computers make our society more sustainable? And what technological challenges do we still need to overcome to make quantum computers stable and reliable? Answers to these exciting questions and a guided tour through a real quantum computer laboratory will be provided by researchers from Friedrich-Alexander University.
Due to the limited capacity on site, we are unfortunately unable to offer all visitors to the lecture a guided tour of the lab. We have therefore prepared registrations WITH and WITHOUT a lab tour.
- 18:00: Short lecture: How quantum computing can make our society more sustainable (Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann, Chair of Theoretical Physics)
- 18:15: Short lecture: How can we make quantum computers stable and reliable? (Prof. Dr. Christopher Eichler, Chair of Experimental Physics)
- 18:30: Guided tour of the rapidly growing laboratory environment with cryostats, i.e. large cooling devices designed to ensure the low temperatures that are sometimes necessary for quantum computing
Additional information
How to find us
- Location: Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP), Großer Seminarsaal, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany