QS Best Student Cities Ranking covers student experience and quality of life
Munich rated second-best university city in the world

To compile its rankings about the best cities for studying abroad, the British university service provider QS Quacquarelli Symonds surveys former students on their experiences, prospective students on where they would like to study, and companies on how they see the quality of universities. Along with employment opportunities of young people in the cities, the survey evaluates the cost of living for students, openness of universities to international students and the percentage of students in the local population. In addition, the ranking incorporates several international indices for such criteria as tolerance and inclusion, safety, environmental quality and other factors in the quality of life.
In the latest edition of the QS Best Student Cities Ranking, Munich placed second in the world. Along with top-ranked London, the top 10 included Seoul, Tokyo, Berlin, Melbourne, Zurich, Sydney, Paris, Montreal and Boston (with the last three tied for ninth). Since the last edition in 2019, Munich overtook Tokyo and Melbourne.
Most livable city in the Monocle Rankings
In 2018, Munich was voted the world’s most livable city in the rankings compiled by the British magazine Monocle. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) also scores outstanding ratings in international rankings on a regular basis. For example, it placed 12th in the Global University Employability Ranking, for which approximately 9000 companies in more than 20 countries rate the skills of graduates. And in the QS World University Rankings by Subject, TUM ranks among the top 50 in ten subjects.
Technical University of Munich
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