Career forum for students
IKOM Start-up 2025
Event location
Campus Garching
Public event
Target audience
Would you like to work for a start-up? Get to know new, innovative companies at IKOM Start-Up, exchange ideas and talk about your career opportunities. Over 40 start-ups from various sectors will be presented. Participation is free of charge!
An online catalog contains all the information about the participating companies and the opportunity to apply for one-to-one meetings. IKOM, a group of around 100 volunteer students, is responsible for the event. Every year, they organize four career forums and other free events that promote personal contact between students/graduates and companies.
Additional information
- IKOM Start-up 2025 for students
- All IKOM dates
- Contact: leitung
How to find us
Location: Campus Garching, MI building, site plan