Technology Prize of the Eduard Rhein Foundation
Colloquium: The Democratization of Generative AI
Event location
Munich main campus
Public event
Target audience
Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer
Come to Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer's colloquium and learn more about the future of Generative AI!
On the occasion of the awarding of the Eduard Rhein Foundation Technology Prize, prizewinner Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer will give a lecture entitled "The Democratization of Generative AI".
Prof. Ommer and his team from LMU Munich have laid the foundation for a new generation of artificial neural networks with the development of diffusion models. In his colloquium, he will provide insights into this ground-breaking research.
Additional information
- More on the Eduard Rhein Foundation and the event
- More on Artifical Intelligence at TUM
How to find us
Location: Theresianum (Room 0606), Arcisstr. 21, Munich main campus; site plan