Olympic Games postponed to 2021
Theresa will give everything for another year

Theresa, how did you feel when it was clear that the Olympic Games would be postponed by one year?
Theresa Stoll: First of all, I took two days off. Of course, health should be the most important issue, and sport of secondary importance, but you just have to give everything you can if you want to be top fit on this one day. Thus, it is quite a setback if this day is postponed by one year.
How do you motivate yourself to keep giving it everything?
The way I see it, I have more time to train now and I can get even fitter. For example, I already noticed that my endurance is improving. Together with my twin sister Amelie, I can motivate myself quite well.
Do you still train together?
Yes, fortunately we still can, because we live together.
How has your training changed?
We were given a training plan by the national coach, and we train twice a day. We often go running, do a lot of workout using our own body weight, and do technique training at home.
Are you allowed to go to the gym at all?
Hopefully, we will soon get a special permit for the gym and be allowed to use the facilities together with our coach. That's not ideal because Judo actually requires many different training partners, but it will be a step ahead.
Will all athletes who qualified for the Olympics still be qualified in a year's time?
Thomas Bach – the President of the IOC – stated that everyone who was already qualified can also take part in the 2021 Olympic Games. This means, for example, that an athlete who has run the official qualification time over 800 meters will certainly be there.
What does that mean for you?
For us, the official qualification period lasts until the end of May. The German Judo Association had already announced nominations in the scope of the Grand Slam in Düsseldorf at the end of February, but they have not yet been officially confirmed by the German Olympic Sports Federation. According to the Judo Association, they will not be revoked, but of course nobody can make promises for what will happen in a year's time. But I'm not worried. I trust that I will be able to qualify again in a year.
Is it already known when there will be competitions again?
All competitions that were supposed to take place before the end of July are definitely cancelled, and they want to see how everything develops in August. Currently, the first competition for the European Championships is scheduled for mid-November in Prague.
What about changes regarding plans for your studies?
I won't be taking the free semester now, of course. Fortunately, that wasn't a problem at all. Also, the fact that just about everything is done online now won't be a big change for me. I'll definitely make up for the exams that I've missed, and I'm really looking forward to university life starting again – a bit more intellectual challenge for me.
How will you use the time you have gained now?
I already noticed that I can find time for things I didn't manage to do before. For example, my sister and I sent Easter cards to our friends and relatives. And today, we ran a half marathon for the first time. I set myself different goals now, to ensure that I won't lose sight of the big picture.
(Interview: Verena Pongratz)
Theresa Stoll is 24 years old and was born in Munich. She is a student of Medicine in her eighth semester and fights at TSV Großhadern. In 2019, Theresa won her fourth consecutive German Championship title. More information: Team Germany Theresa Stoll