Not to be missed
Face mask, motivation and healthy self-management

The TUM face mask is neither a medical product nor officially certified or tested. It only serves to reduce the transmission of droplets in everyday life and can reduce the risk of smear infections. Mask in the TUMshop
Summer semester extended
The lecture period of the summer semester 2020 was extended to August 7, 2020. This will also create space to make up for cancelled courses or examinations, if necessary. If you have any questions regarding your courses or exams, please contact your school or faculty directly. More information: Studying at the TUM
Application period for the Master's courses
Due to the current exceptional situation, the application deadline for Master's programs in the winter semester 2020/21 will be extended until June 30, 2020. More information: Master’s Degree Programs at the TUM
New impulses for teaching
Send us your proposals by May 18, 2020: Unconventional teaching methods, digital forms of collaboration, virtual formats, or innovative teaching projects – impulses of any kind are welcome: TUM invites all students to participate in the TUM Future Learning Initiative. TUM intends to implement the best concepts as part of its teaching reform. To this end, your participation will also be taken into account in the subsequent selection of particularly promising proposals. More information: TUM Future Learning Initiative
Online Workshop: Motivation and healthy self-management
The semester is only a few weeks old… and you are already experiencing loss of motivation, are more easily distracted, or find it difficult to consistently pursue your goals? In the 4-hour online workshop of TUM4Mind, you will learn to set yourself goals that neither under- nor overburden you, to recognize distractions or lack of motivation on the way to your goal, and to develop individual strategies for addressing these challenges. Further information and registration: The Psychology of a Healthy Goal Pursuit
Lecture series on environmental topics
The TUM lecture series on environmental topics will of course take place this summer semester as well – completely digital, however. The semester topic is "Sind wir noch zu retten? Wenn die Erde eine Bank wäre". Register now and be granted 1 or 3 ECTS credits for your subject! All lectures will be recorded and made available on the website of the "Referat für Umwelt", where the entire program can be found as well: To register for the TUM courses, please refer to Registration Main Campus (1 ECTS) or to Registration Garching (3 ECTS).
Career Webinars
Job applications and working in Japan, completing a doctorate with an industrial focus, the adventure of management: all Alumni & Career offers will be available digitally in the summer semester. More information and registration:
Stay in touch digitally with TUMi
Due to the current situation, all "live" TUMi events have to be cancelled until further notice. All international students of the summer semester 2020 as well as all German TUM students who are interested in international exchange are invited to stay in virtual contact and get to know fellow students via the TUMi Facebook group. TUMi is also working on the development of virtual event formats. More information: TUMinternational and in the TUMi App
A doctorate – is that an option for me?
TUM Graduate School PrepDoc Program 2020: As the previously planned program had to be cancelled due to the current Covid-19 situation, the TUM Graduate School has been working on digitalized options for you. Several workshops are now taking place online, either as a live online course, or as a pre-recorded presentation, which will be accessible without a fixed date. More information: TUM Graduate School PrepDoc Program 2020
New Alumni Magazine: Sustainability
The next edition of the TUM Alumni Magazine will be published on April 28, 2020 – this time focusing on sustainability. Master student Tabea Riemensperger from the Environmental Department of the TUM Student Union met up for a table talk with Prof. Thomas Brück and two alumni, to discuss the question how we can keep our world worth living in. The magazine is available online for download in German and English: KontakTUM Magazine