The future of the Campus-Cneipe Garching
"Wer was wird, wird Wirt"

The Campus-Cneipe Garching is a success story. When it opened in 2006, the research campus was much smaller and quite dull, compared to today. No leisure facilities, no gastronomy, no evening program… "From around 6 pm onwards, everything was deserted," Alexander Winkler remembers. In order to revitalize the site, a few students founded " Studentische Initiative Campusleben Garching e.V.", of which he has been chairman since 2016.
Pioneers at the research campus
Karaoke nights, band shows, pub quizzes, pig roasts – the Campus-Cneipe in the canteen building quickly established itself. "We were open five days a week from 11 am to 11.30 pm," Winkler recalls. The gastronomic pioneer at the research campus also functioned as an attractive employer: the Campus-Cneipe helped several students to finance their studies with a part-time job.
"We were never very profit-oriented," Winkler says. "We always kept the prices low. A "Helles" used to be 2.50. Today, it's 3.30." With a lot of commitment and a high level of personal contribution, almost everything was done in-house: in the beginning, with the help of donations, and the Weihenstephan brewery was very supportive of the Garching Cneipe as well.
Moving to the new canteen
Now, the Campus-Cneipe can move into the new canteen, which was recently put into operation. A total of 120 square meters is reserved on the ground floor, but there will still be difficulties: "Our association has grown old," Alexander Winkler has to admit. The 30-year-old is a doctoral student at the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality. At the moment, he works in a laboratory in the city center most of the time.
"Most of the board members are currently finishing their studies or will do fairly soon, and some have left Munich already. We are lacking in new blood, in motivated people who want to keep the business going," he explains. "If we don't get some new energy or tailwind from somewhere soon, we don't know what to do next."
TUM finances interior design
Winkler will hold the office of chairman no longer than until March 31. After that, it’s over. Who will run the Campus Cneipe then? And above all: Who will manage the move to the new cafeteria? The Campusleben Association planned the rooms together with the real estate management of TUM. The kitchen will be bigger than before, the actual guest area and the bar will cover 120 square meters. TUM will finance parts of the furnishings and the carpentry work.
"There's a lot of work waiting, but very exciting work," Winkler is sure. Everything has to be set up anew. It's like opening your own bar. "Wouldn't that be a dream? This is a job where you can learn a lot."
The Campus-Cneipe must stay
The Garching Campus has changed a lot since 2006. Today, there are quite a few more gastronomic offers, and there will also be restaurants in the GALILEO. "But probably not at a level that all students can or want to afford," Winkler assumes – or where they really feel at home. The Campus-Cneipe was run by students for the students. "We were never hip, and we don't want to be. That's exactly what many have always appreciated."
(Author: Verena Meinecke)
- Anyone who wants to get involved with the Campus-Cneipe is welcome. Contact: Alexander Winkler, Campus-Cneipe C2, Studentische Initiative Campusleben Garching e.V., e-mail: info. More information: