Not to be missed
Scholarships, awards and deadlines

How to finance a course of studies with a child? The information event will take place on February 18, 2020, from 10 am to 11.30 am, at the nursery Uni-Kleckse, Leopoldstr. 13a. The next dates for the Family Café are April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2020, from 3 pm to 4.30 pm at the KITA Herzerl, Lazarettstr. 62 – and there will be a workshop on stress management for students with children, on April 21, 2020, from 10 am to 12 o’clock, at the Hochschule München, Lothstr. 34, Seminar 34. There will also be TUM holiday childcare during the different holidays in 2020, starting with the Easter holidays, for 6 to 12 year olds. More information: Studying at TUM with a family
Scholarship: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Students in the first and second semester can still apply for a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes until February 18, 2020. We are looking for young people with high intellectual abilities and motivation as well as a broad spectrum of interests and commitment. In addition to the monthly financial support, the foundation offers a comprehensive educational program, scholarships for stays abroad worldwide, language courses, personal counselling, and a network of currently 14,000 scholarship holders and over 65,000 alumni. Registration for the application procedure: Selbstbewerbung Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Science Slam at the Munich Kammerspiele
Laugh until tears come, get answers to questions, and take amazing new knowledge home with you: at the 14th Munich Science Slam, young researchers will hit the stage to convince you of how exciting science can be. Each of them has ten minutes to present the latest findings from their research in a creative, comprehensible, and entertaining way. At the end, the audience decides who delivered the best presentation. When? February 21, 2020. Doors at 7 pm, start at 8 pm. Where? Kammerspiele München, Maximilianstrasse 26. More information:
Supervisory Award: New nomination phase
Who will be honored with the award for the best supervision of doctoral students in 2020? The TUM Graduate Council has just opened a new nomination phase. All doctoral students at TUM can still nominate their supervisor for the Supervisory Award by sending an e-mail to their respective graduate center until February 28, 2020. Contact: gc-speakers. More information: @gs.tum.deTUM Graduate School Supervisory Award
Tutors wanted: Supervision of international students
TUMinternational (TUMi) is currently looking for new tutors who would like to become involved in the supervision of international students. Support foreign students in settling in and introduce them to TUM, to Munich and Germany! The tutors can benefit from an international atmosphere, put their language skills to use, and make contacts all over the world. The commitment is particularly interesting for students who are planning a stay abroad or who have just returned from abroad. The application deadline is March 2, 2020. More information: TUMinternational (TUMi)
Study Information Day: Open day for prospective students
The Study Information Day takes place once every school year – for school pupils who are interested in studying at TUM and who just want to get an impression of university life. No matter if you are a 10th grader or older, professionally qualified, or any other prospective student, everyone is welcome. The next study information day (formerly known as "Schülertag") at TUM will take place on March 12, 2020. ATTENTION: STUDY INFORMATION DAY AT TUM ON MARCH 12, 2020, HAS BEEN CANCELLED! More information: TUM Studieninfotag
Master's Day: Fair for studies and career
Are you interested in a Master's degree at TUM? The Master's Day offers you an opportunity to gather comprehensive information about which Master's program would suit you best. The next TUM Master's Day will take place on March 26, 2020, in the Audimax Foyer – with a program from 12 o'clock to 5 pm. ATTENTION: TUM MASTER’ DAY AT TUM ON MARCH 26, 2020, HAS BEEN CANCELLED! For all questions concerning your studies, please contact the TUM Master's Advisory Service: More information:
Global Entrepreneurship Summer School
The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School aims to find innovative and sustainable solutions to master the challenges of climate change in a socially entrepreneurial manner. You can start your "Entrepreneurial Journey" in Munich, Querétaro, Shanghai, or Cape Town – to try and develop solutions (over the course of one week) that can change the world. The Summer School is a seven-day program of the Social Entrepreneurship Academy and is organized in cooperation with six leading university entrepreneurship centers in Munich, Shanghai, Mexico City, and Cape Town. Applications are possible until April 1, 2020, via
Doing a doctorate - an option for me?
In the upcoming Summer Semester 2020 the TUM Graduate School cordially invites all TUM Master’s students to join this year’s PrepDoc Program on April 22, 2020, 5.30 – 7.30 pm, Campus Garching. Through the PrepDoc program, the TUM-GS offers you a valuable insight into planning for your doctorate, including funding opportunities, how to find a supervisor, research strategies, good scientific practice and many other topics you should consider before starting your doctorate at TUM. The program is free of charge and consists of one introduction event and different workshops that can be booked independently from each other. More information: PrepDoc Program
Lecture: Care of relatives
The TUM Family Service of the Equal Opportunities Office cordially invites students and employees of the university to attend one of the lectures on the topic of "Vorsorgevollmacht / Patientenverfügung" (Power of Attorney / Patient Decree). The lectures, which are organized by TUM in cooperation with awo lifebalance, will take place in Weihenstephan (May 7, 2020), Munich (May 12, 2020), and Garching (May 14, 2020), from 10 am to 12 o'clock. More information: Care of family members
Save the date: TUM International Day 2020
Are you interested in a stay abroad? Would you like to experience the diversity of international student life? If so, make a note of the International Day 2020 at Main Campus! The fair offers information booths and food from all over the world, and it will take place on May 13, 2020, at Main Campus. Former exchange students and international students will present their host or home country, report on their intercultural experiences, and give tips. More information: TUM International Day 2020
Photo of the Month Competition
Did you manage to capture a few beautiful moments during your stay abroad, during an internship or a semester abroad? Photos of technical or cultural peculiarities or new encounters and impressions, for example? If so, send us your pictures! The winners will be rewarded with great vouchers, e.g. for outdoor clothing or for a photo shop. The winning Photo of the Month will also be published on TUM's social media channels and has a good chance of appearing in the photo calendar, which will be distributed to all partners within TUM and worldwide in a print run of about 3,000 copies. Simply send us your favorite picture, including a picture title and short description, by e-mail: Fotowettbewerb. More information: @zv.tum.deTUM Photo Competition
maiTUM: Cancellation for 2020
As has just been decided by the TUM's student council – with an overwhelming majority – there will be no maiTUM festival this year, due to spatial difficulties: "In the summer semester, there will be no lectures in the two largest lecture halls on Campus Garching, due to construction work. Therefore, the respective lectures will be moved to two tents in the forecourt of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering", the student representatives stated. And further: "The maiTUM 2020 and the preparations would affect the lectures in the lecture hall tents for three to five days". More information: Press Release maiTUM Cancellation 2020