Open House Day at the Technical University of Munich
A glimpse into the future

"150 Years of Culture of Excellence" is the motto of TU Munich’s anniversary year. On Saturday, October 13, 2018, TUM will put meaning of these words on display. From 11 am to 6 pm, visitors can see for themselves how excellent research paves our road to the future.
Facilities in Munich, Garching, Freising and Straubing participate in this year's event. In addition, the Oskar von Miller Institute in Obernach (right on the B11, overlooking Walchensee), the Limnological Station in Iffeldorf (near Penzberg), the Academy Center in Raitenhaslach (near Burghausen) and the Geodetic Observatory in Wettzell (near Bad Kötzting) will join in and open their doors for interested visitors.
In addition to the many hands-on experiments and exhibits during Open House Day, there will be exciting tours to laboratories in which much of the research is unique worldwide. The multifaceted program for all ages will be supplemented by a series of lectures in which scientists expound on their work. The program is rounded off by musical contributions and outstanding food and refreshments.
The Garching and Freising campuses are conveniently reachable by public transport from Munich. TUM will provide a direct bus connection between the Freising and Garching. Shuttle busses run on campus at both locations.
Further information:
An online-version of the full program with almost 800 distinct points of interest is available here (activities offered in English are marked).