“Times Higher Education” Ranking: TUM moves up five places
TUM part of top German trio

The other two universities are the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (ranked 34th) and the University of Heidelberg (ranked 45th).
The “Times Higher Education” ranking takes into account various factors: For one, scientists and scholars worldwide are surveyed on the reputation of the universities in research and teaching. For another, data such as the number of publications per researcher, the citations per publication, the teacher-student ratio, the third-party funding raised from the private sector, and the degree of internationalization are assessed.
Compared to the other technical universities in Germany, TUM is a big step ahead: Only two other TUs made it into the international top 100: RWTH Aachen (ranked 79th) and the Technical University of Berlin (ranked 92nd). Furthermore, the TUM has also held its ground against other European TUs. Only the Imperial College London (8th), the ETH Zurich (10), and EPF Lausanne (38) are ranked higher.