New online course:
LOOP: Object-oriented programming

Target group are students and prospective students whose study programs encompass parts of computer science or programming and who do not have previous programming experience.
Previous knowledge varies greatly
The bachelor degree courses at the TUM do not require any formal computer science prior knowledge. However, computer sciences is a compulsory subject at many Bavarian high schools, but not taught at several other school types. The previous knowledge regarding computer science therefore varies greatly among freshmen.
The new online course of the TUM called “LOOP: Learning object-oriented programming” intends to close this gap and to facilitate the start in this subject.
Gentle and accessible introduction
The course offers a gentle and accessible introduction to a fascinating branch of computer science. It covers in particular the foundations of object-oriented programming and basic algorithms. During the course you learn, among others, how to write small computer programs in the popular language Java.
The course is, however, not a mere programming course but intends to offer the foundations for understanding and developing more complex computer programs. With many interactive exercises and practical examples, fun is guaranteed.
What you learn:
- Object-oriented modelling of practical problems
- Implementing repetitions, conditional statements, and simple algorithms
- Structuring object-oriented programs
- Writing small programs in Java
Prerequisites: The course requires no knowledge in computer science. The course requires German language fluency and handling a computer and internet browser.
Registration: The course starts on August 7, 2017 and runs until September 10, 2017 (5 weeks).
The workload is approximately 3-5 h per week. Registration for LOOP
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