Monday, Nov 24, 2014: ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has arrived at the International Space Station (ISS)
TUM alumna on board of the ISS

The International Space Station orbits the earth at a height of ca. 400 km. Cristoforetti is a flight engineer for Expedition 42 (Futura) – the 42nd long-term stay on the space station. She replaces German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst who had returned to earth only a few weeks ago. The rocket that took Cristoforetti, Shkaplerov and Virts up to space launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Sunday, Nov 23, at 10:01 pm (CET).
Video: Launch, docking and ingress
- Samantha Cristoforetti's journey to the ISS
NASA video live streams from the ISS
- incl. HD ISS views
"I was always interested in space travel"
- In an interview with TUM’s alumni magazine, KontakTUM, the 37-year-old recalls her student days at TUM.
- Aerospace Engineering at TUM
Further information about Samantha Cristoforetti
- "Outpost 42 - Earthlings' Guide to the Galaxy":
Official ESA blog on Mission Futura 42 - Samantha Cristoforetti’s official ESA profile
- Astronaut Class of 2009 (ESA blog)
- Follow Samantha Cristoforetti on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr