• 2/11/2014

A new "Tatort"-Assistant:

"A conscious decision for TUM-BWL"

A new assistant for Munich's crime investigators in "Tatort”: Kalli Hammermann, a young officer played by Ferdinand Hofer. The 21-year-old is a student of Business Administration at TUM. In an interview with TUMstudinews, the young actor explains why a “Tatort”-shooting is especially challenging and how he handles the expectations for his role. But one thing that remains a secret: the murderer.

Ferdinand Hofer with gun
Gun at the ready: Ferdinand Hofer playing Kalli Hammermann, a new assistant in the "Münchner Tatort" (Photo: Bayerischer Rundfunk/Denise Vernillo)

Ferdinand, are you a student who also acts – or an actor who is also enrolled in a course of studies?

Hofer: I would say it depends. I'm in my third semester of TUM-BWL. At the moment, I guess I'm more a student, because I'm learning for exams. But at the “Tatort”-set I was more an actor. The schedule happened to suit me very well. We'll start shooting the next episode right after my exam period. So you'll also be in the next episode of "Tatort". Do you feel you're under pressure because a few other new assistants have already been written off?Hofer: In retrospect, I do actually feel somewhat under pressure. I became aware of the high expectations after I read a few “Tatort”-reviews. Some of them are merciless. Of course, it's normal to be anxious at first, careful not to make any mistakes. But it's already certain that I'll be in the next episode – and probably also in the one after that, unless I really mess something up.

What kind of person is Kalli Hammermann, the new "Tatort"-assistant?

Hofer: Kalli is exceptionally good-looking. No, seriously: Kalli is from the county and has just finished his job training at the police. He joins the homicide department as a rookie and tries to build up a career. He is incredibly ambitious and goal-oriented, he wants to contribute to solving the case. Sometimes, he is a bit overzealous, which leads to differences in opinion with the two inspectors – but in the end it turns out that he played an important part in solving the case.

You weren't even born when Udo Wachtveitl and Miroslav Nemec shot the first episodes of the "Münchner Tatort". How was it for you to be on set with the two old hands?

Hofer: Right, I didn't really see it that way yet. It was great. I first met them both at the warm-up party the day before the shooting and they welcomed me to the team straight away. Shooting with the two inspectors was really funny, because they always have some comment on any topic. Sometimes, they also shared some old theatre stories or anecdotes. And I could learn a lot, of course. I think the two of them are among the most professional actors in Germany. They're in the business since forever.

Before you came to the "Tatort", you already acted in several other films, for example in the Bavarian hit comedy "Dampfnudelblues" or "Perlmutterfarbe". What is the difference to "Tatort"?

Hofer: “Tatort” was much more stressful than the other productions I was in. There are only 23 days for the shooting. But an episode is as long as a regular movie, 90 minutes – so  that makes almost 4 minutes of film per day. That mights not sound much, but for shooting a film that's really a lot. Some scenes take a whole day, especially if it involves a lot of blood or, for instance, ravens – like in this episode. Also, this was my first serious role, which was much more demanding.

As a policeman, assistant Kalli also uses his gun in the film. How did you know how to handle it?

Hofer: There's a crime investigation expert at the “Tatort”-set, who gives the crew advice on such matters. What most people don't know is that there are also real policemen involved as actors. Most of the police officers in the cars are real policemen and I  practised using a gun for half a day with one of them. I had never even held a gun before.  I learned how to hold it, how to secure a building – and I practised the right movements.

Ferdinand, TUM-BWL and acting will probably not go along together well forever. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Hofer: I actually decided that acting is not a real job perspective for me right after completing my Abitur, when I decided to take up a course of studies of TUM-BWL. Only about 2 percent of the 5000 actors in Germany manage to make a living of it. I want to live a safe life with a regular income – enough to be able to go on holidays with my family. The engagement for “Tatort” was a nice surprise, or possibly fate. I could imagine working in a company's sales department. I did some internships after completing my Abitur and enjoyed it. I hope things will just somehow fall into place on their own when I have my master's degree, so I won't be forced to make an active decision.

(Interview : Sabrina Czechofsky)

  • Expected broadcast date of the Tatort "Am Ende des Flurs": May 4, 2014

Ferdinand Hofer was born in 1993 and grew up in Großseeham near Munich. He joined the theatre group at school already. At the age of 12, the Bavarian film director Marcus H. Rosenmüller asked him if he would like to take part in the film "Schwere Jungs". A talent agency accepted him and he has since appeared in several successful movies such as "Dampfnudelblues", "Weniger ist Mehr" or "Die Perlmutterfarbe" So far, people don't recognize him on the street – but this could change after the airing of the “Tatort”.

Technical University of Munich

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